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  • Shaky hands=you're guilty of something. MURDEEEEEEER
    BRAIN PROBLEM=A good deal of serial killers are insane, as in scitzophrenics, etc.
    Me has both, and can get ticked off easily by these morons.
    So yeah >>;
    The brain controls the whole body, right?:
    Well, something in the system that controls movement is slightly damaged. That made this.
    It be permanent.
    Quite worse than annoying.
    Aperently, shaky hands are a characteristic of a mad person, and according to every arsehole in school, one day I'll just snap and kill everyone -.-;;
    It's a neurological (brain) problem.
    Damn, you had to ask . >:
    Allright, I'm not exactly the healthies kid ever. REmember that spasm I keep telling you I have in my legs?
    Well, sometimes it spreads. My hands sometimes jerk for no reason, and I need medication to keep it under control. It's extremely embarrising, because even with them, I can never actually keep my hands fully still, at least not like other people.
    In Painr.
    Y'know the tip part you need to draw? Broken. I can't draw in Photoshop, becuase the eraser part is an eraser there but could be used as a pencil part in Paint. Hence the shakiness of some of my pictures.
    ...actually, that may be just that I haven't been taking my hand pills lately. *shrug*
    Typh is madly signaling towards the bus, while E's all "D< WHAT DID YOU DO"
    You're glomping Hiouse, and he's all"o.o" JD has Glacy, and Aiko's laughing madly at the wholr thing. |}
    O RLY?
    If you can't see it, here are the lyrics:
    Take that look of worry
    Im an ordinary man
    They dont tell me nothing
    So I find out what I can
    Theres a fire thats been burning
    Right outside my door
    I cant see but I feel it
    And it helps to keep me warm
    So i, I dont mind
    No i, I dont mind

    Seems so long Ive been waiting
    Still dont know what for
    Theres no point escaping
    I dont worry anymore
    I cant come out to find you
    I dont like to go outside
    They cant turn off my feelings
    Like theyre turning off a light
    But i, I dont mind
    No i, I dont mind
    Oh i, I dont mind
    No i, I dont mind

    So take, take me home
    Cos I dont remember
    Take, take me home
    Cos I dont remember
    Take, take me home
    Cos I dont remember
    Take, take me home, oh lord
    Cos Ive been a prisoner all my life
    And I can say to you

    Take that look of worry, mines an ordinary life
    Working when its daylight
    And sleeping when its night
    Ive got no far horizons
    I dont wish upon a star
    They dont think that I listen
    Oh but I know who they are
    And i, I dont mind
    No i, I dont mind
    Oh i, I dont mind
    No i, I dont mind

    So take, take me home
    Cos I dont remember
    Take, take me home
    Cos I dont remember
    Take, take me home
    Cos I dont remember
    Take, take me home, oh lord
    Well Ive been a prisoner all my life
    And I can say to you

    But I dont remember
    Take, take me home...
    No problem ^^
    Aaah, the concert. I'm in tech, too, which means we make videos and stuff. We made two this year, seventh versees eighth >D

    Imagine an "The Office" parody. Oh god I can't look at our band teacher (they make him do choir and tech too can you believe it O:) without thinking "OH GOD OH GOD IT'S MICHEAL XD"
    We played, um..
    Ever hear a song called "Take Me Home" by Phil Collins? That is what we played, such an awsome song :3
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