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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Heard of Action Replay? >.>
    *sticks Action Replay on Notory and gives her the ability to walk through walls*
    I already got those on my Platinum though. :O
    (I used a bit of magic for some shininess. >:3)
    Yeah, more to pokemon than you'd think. Satoshi has several weather conditions to add. X3
    Windstorm: Similar to Hail and Sandstorm, it inflicts damage equal to 1/16 of a pokemon's HP if it is not a Flying type or has Levitate.
    NOTORY! *glomp* Oh, Aereon is like this:
    Description: Same basic shaoe for an Eeveelution. It has wing-like ears. On the back of each of its paws is a small feather. Its tail is much like the one Pidgeotto has, just like a fan-out of feathers. It is also all white and it has sky blue eyes. It evolves from Eevee via level-up while holding a Shining Feather.
    Type: Flying
    Ability: Wind Veil: Raises evasiveness in a windstorm.
    HP: 65
    Attack: 130
    Defense: 95
    Special Attack: 60
    Special Defense: 110
    Speed: 65

    1: Tail Whip
    1: Tackle
    8: Sand Attack
    15: Gust
    22: Quick Attack
    29: Roost
    36: Wind Slice
    43: Reflect
    50: Last Resort
    57: Aerial Ace
    64: Mirror Move
    73: Brave Bird

    Waiting on you in Road Trip. XD
    HO SHIT. NOOES, I DON'T WANNA-aw screw it. *teleports*
    -.-;;; They hate donuts, apprently D:
    Notory, you need a flying type in...wait, nvm... *turns Notory into Aereon (Flying type eeveelution)*
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