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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Where in Roadtrip is she named Glacy exactly? But, umm, Lemme get a sprite out for ya.
    Weee, two Glacys, :P.
    The Glacy I talks about is shiny. O.o
    Hold on...:D, where does it say that the Glaceon in Roadtrip is named Glacy?
    I have no idea.
    Luckily I've got it on N64 ^^ Just beat the second dungeon yesterday, six minutes (real time) before moon-crashy time.
    Yes, Glacy is fuuun. :3

    Hunnh? I never knew you had a char named Glacy. There's two pokemon with that name then? O.o
    Well yes, we're not necessarily all that fluent in Japanese xD
    I did read that on Wiki, so maybe it was someone being odd and wrong. *shrug*
    Ahhh, hold on, lemme fix that, also, 1 and | are interchangeable, | can be L and 1 can be I.
    /-\ or 4 = A
    |3 = B
    ( = C
    [) = D
    3 = E
    |⁼ = F
    6 = G
    |-| = H
    | = I
    ̢|= J
    |< = K
    1 = L
    |\/| = M
    |\| = N
    0 = O
    |° = P
    ƍ = Q
    |2 = R
    5 = S
    ¯|¯ = T
    |_| = U
    \/ = V
    \/\/ = W
    >< = X
    '/ = Y
    2 = Z
    Yup ^^ Me am English.
    Though they did apparently release Sonic Rush Adventure here before it even came out in Japan :o
    learn, time for the 1337 41|°|-|4|337
    /-\ = A
    |3 = B
    ( = C
    [) = D
    3 = E
    |⁼ = F
    6 = G
    |-| = H
    | = I
    ̢|= J
    |< = K
    1 = L
    |\/| = M
    |\| = N
    0 = O
    |° = P
    ƍ = Q
    |2 = R
    5 = S
    ¯|¯ = T
    |_| = U
    \/ = V
    \/\/ = W
    >< = X
    '/ = Y
    2 = Z
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