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Notoriously Unknown

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  • We all go a little mad sometimes, a little different then we usually are. This isn't you talking. Isn't the Notory I know. Of course, this whole friendship couldv'e been a facade, this could be what you're like in there. I know you're in pain, I'm not that dumb. I've never experienced your kind of suffering, not the cancer you're staring straight down in the face right now. I've experienced pain, oh sure, but nothing like yours. You know what? No. I won't stop caring. I don't care very often. I do now.

    Because of all people in this world that I've known? You're the one that's most worth it. And despite what you say, you need it. It doesn't make you weak, it's human. I'm your friend, at least I hope you've considered me this way for as long as we've known each other. And of course, this answer I've just typed, I have the feeling it's the wrong one, isn't it?
    I see this Cox Rhaspody. I will do this eventually, for I like music [/Bourdain-speak]

    Gotta go. Thanks for the gift and making today a hell of a lot better, Notory.
    Yeah, I don't act my age, I guess. Why should I, age is age. I eman, for crying out loud, some Sesame Street songs appeal t'mee.
    Like I Don't Want To Live On The Moon.

    Well, I'd like to visit the moon
    On a rocket ship high in the air
    Yes, I'd like to visit the moon
    But I don't think I'd like to live there~

    Woo, toast. *pours orange juice* I drink this a lot. It's what we have in the house, and I likes it.
    Probably the biting. I don't really mind, but I should stop gnawing on fingerskin I should. It buuurns when will i learn T.T

    also check your email pleas eif ye haven't already, cause..arright it didn't take so long to *write* buuut i'm curious...!!
    I still nom paper clips...and pencils and a lotta stuff. I'm surprised I haven't nibbled the cord to the pocketwatch yet. I maaay have an Oral Fization Fization(TVTropes ag-g-gain, meaning, someone who noms things a lot. To think's why I do it, and...pencil wood's kinda tasty.)
    When it comes to pain, I don't actually cut myself or anything, it's just that my mouth has quite a bit of scar tissue, I guess. It's rough in there sometimes and cracks, bleeding a bit. The smell of too much blood on the other hand...eek.
    Craving blood.

    ..I hope you don't think this is too creppy, but um. I kinda like the taste of my own blood, to be honest. I have a lot oftics, comes with the Torrette's (I stutter and fiddle a lot) and thus, I seem all batshit crazy. One of these sometimes is gnawing the inside of my lip till it bleeds. the taste...isn't half bad and I kinda like it.

    ...aright, there. Wasn't too hard.

    That's good o:
    ...boring in a hospital bed, huh?

    I used to just make paper airplanes and see how close to hitting some dudes could get, you know, without hitting them. How's your rib?

    We don't eat cake in this family. WE BUST OUT THE NUTTYKINS~

    Also my pocket watch is an ENGRAVED pocket watch asjskakas. It says "TimeKeeper" and has me initials and stuffs~
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