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Notoriously Unknown

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    Alsoalso I did make pics with the Lie to Me theme on it.
    I'll upload eventually once I fix a detail or two.

    And tommorow be me birthday :> Does Typheh get a preeeesen-*shot*

    XD I'm kiddun, if you dun wanna I dun need a gift.
    Evolution-smevolution, I'm not talking scientifically! :|
    Just... in general; how would people go about their everyday lives if they had functional tails?
    Epic Dr. K. Doctor sounds cool to him and he has a giant stick. It's a pointer, but really an eighth grade displince stick that travels through time. Our Science teacher has his pocket protector of doom o: Seesee I like school it's the kids I can't stand. I get along great with teachers apperently.

    Which leads me to a new topic discussion: what would life be like if people were born with functional tails? (I'll be offline by the time you read this, but I felt like asking nonetheless. :3)
    No, Band EpicTeacheeer?
    And I quote *staring at Iphone* O: "There really is an app for just about everything |D Wooo technology *dances*"


    1. Aright. I'm sorry though, Mr(ONOWAIT DR.) K's hard to draw, and it involved an Iphone

    2: ...RSL looks like a bear? o??? DE HAIR

    O AND EMIAL maybe tommorow
    1. Well she always needs it back by the time I go to sleep. Her afternoon classes require her laptop, but her night class doesn't and only happens every other day. So basicly the same routine. She does have a paper to write, but she's still working on the rough draft. X3
    2. Bear.
    1. Maybe. Why, cousin need it back?

    2. Well, kinda. Actor, not Wilson literally. I mean as soon as I saw him, cue meqjuietly going "OMG ROBERT SEAM LEONARD guuuuh 20 year old :>"

    Annnd sorta. Story goes like:

    Robin Williams is a free-sprit kinda teacher at this high school for boys in The Fifties. He tells his students to Be Themselves, becomes an Inspiration To All and somehow manages to make reading poetry seem like a cool, rebellious thing to do. The dean decides this outrage cannot continue.

    Annnd thencomes Neil. He kills himself cause his dad didn't let him act and j-just...the scene before/after that...awwwwwwww D:

    Might I say he doesn't look that different o:
    Mufasa's. In the movie, we see his back. As in body

    ON ANOTHER NOTE in school two things happened.

    1. Music. A pic will explain it like tommorow
    2.Ever hear of Dead Poets Society? No?

    ....okay. If it's something medical, I'm a bit more than a bit worried, but if it's something personal, then to each their own.

    yeah but telling that to kids will scar theeeeeeeeem. But we do kinda see his BODY in the movie thus.

    Nooo, silly, not cameron. it was Chase. Remember that scene in the locker room with Foreman? Chase admitted to it. He used someone's blood, a dead lady's and the medication to cure Darthy's 'disease' ended up killing him. She didn't so it, but I think he did cause he was pretty ticked about Mufasa (ahahah Mufasa :B) 'touching his wife'. so.

    Sliiiight motive there and adding everything else up = he did it. And can't live with himself over it, so, next ep he's screwed over.

    Why did I type this :U
    Well-naaah, nothing happened x>

    Turn back the cloooock
    Give me some time
    I need to break out
    And make a new name
    Let's open our eyes
    To the brand new daaaaaaaaaaaay~

    ..I watched a leetle Lie to Me. the theme song in full's amaing. I think a pic on this will be in order :>
    Jootube sorry.

    Oh. That sucks. I know it may seem like a good deal but. You're a tough kid. You'll get through it.

    also HOLY CRAP House took someone hostage o:

    It's getting worse I can tell. Aside from the heart scares, anything else? Any tests or...?

    Really nice music O: Especially the "Announce the Truth" one~
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