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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Well yeaaaaaaah, but he thinks acting like a kid = immaturity. You shouldn't act like you've got a stick up your bum.

    Game like that? WANT.

    Mine's more of an explorng kinda thing with some makeshift fighting scenes in there. i was ten so. I really do like what I drew back then, the storty not so much. I remeber almost every detail though. I took a peek at the book. It's this notebook where I wrote stuff. Around that age. Then, knowing where it is, I'm supposed to take a gander every three years or so. First time I did, a few days before the seventh.
    Well, he's kinda like that. He doesn't like to be thought as immature, I guess. I don't see what so wrong with it, immature's kinda fun :v
    I know. Erfffff >:|

    Also, yeah. Most is fanart. Including some Psych fanart, Mythbusters, and House. Oe's original though, and some old ideas for this videogame I wanted to do when I was ten...
    Lo there.

    A few things:
    1) I'm going to have to start a habit of logging out. Tim came on yesterday, didn't he?
    2) I'll leave in a little bit, that church lady's coming over. Do not want.
    3)I do have drawings, I'll upload 'em as soon as churchlady leaves cause I'm working on one, I'll be in my room and I really wanna show you it.
    4)Tio Payo's over. I has a lucuma ice cream stash whoo.
    She loves you. You're a good portion of what she thinks about. The only reason she's usually stuck to a computer chair in the first place. Everyone caring ain't all it's knocked up to be.

    wha-awwwwwww D: alright. But how though?
    Well, you're a stupid eleven year old, supposively. But she cares what you have to say. That's good enough for anyone.

    That's impressive, you know. I draw too, just not well.
    It would take a lot for Bri to change it would D: Well...you seem optimistic. Keep that. I guess...well, what did you two even fight about, maybe that..? I dunno.
    I guess people coup in a buncha ways. I'm not sure. Worst that's ever happened to me's a broken arm/leg, but that's nothing compared to what you two are going through.
    She mopes longer. You see, when she does mope, it's long, and drawn out. Also kinda rare once she does.

    Although, her birthday's coming up in four days. She kinda feels better on that day compared to any other.
    All right. I think she'll snap out of it eventually, though. At least, I hope she does. I just don't say anything. She gets worse once people say things.
    ...all right, Not'ry.

    Just...give up, period. She's never really in a 'good' mood, to other people. Really her default mood's indifference, but a lot of peopel think she's permanantly angry. But then again, aside from the ccasional freaak-out onceor twice, the fact that her liver's shot never had too much of a deep signifigane. Til now.
    I'm not Typh, Notorious. I don't even know if she'll be on today, she's not doing so well. It's like she's...given up, which is really scary of all things. You know, I've never known her to truly give up so fast. I don't WANT her to, but I'm not even sure what to do. I'm a shortstop, no one really listens to a shortstop.
    That's just it. She doesn't anymore. Oh before, yeah, quite a bit. More'n nessesary, even. Now? She only cries (and it's not even much of crying more like tears actually. there's a diference, you cry when you're sad, but tears can mean anything) when anyone's crossed the line twice or something. Like that one time some guy bothered her and she kinda ripped out a sapling from the ground.
    She relates graves with death. Doesn't actually cry so much at funerals, if at all. it's afteer, the visiting. I only feel a bit uncomfortable, because of all the crying.
    Huh. That does make sense. I always thought it applied to weddings and things like that.

    Hmmm. Looking back, I guess I do a little bit. Not really so much on purpose, however.
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