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Notoriously Unknown

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  • No, actually. It's the 3rd of October. Same day Pap died. Not our dad, mind you, that was in Febuary. Pap as in Grandpa. It's been a long, loong time, but she steadily, I dunno, feels crappy. She's up now, and mightv'e been for a bit, actually. I'm on the main computer and she has her laptop, so I dunno. Or maybe she fell back asleep cause I don't hear the laptop anymore. Doesn't help that even though everyone knows this happened what, six years(?) ago, we still get phone callls and just went to visit his grave this morning. Somthing freaks her out about a grave, I know what it is, of course, but still. That might be it.

    Why would she hate you though? Well...whatever i is, s'probally not your fault. Just try and..not touch on whatever it was again or something?
    Oh yeah, dumb question. Silly me. *Face palm*
    Well, I don't want you feeling gloomy— that is if you are feeling gloomy. *Shrugs* So... uh...
    Oh, I see.... I probably shouldn't have asked.

    Um, moving on... How's school?
    No, not a machosistic pleasure. I don't get along with anyone, I can't. I just...I don't want to! I just want to do my work, only focus on bleeding THAT, make it as good as I can. then move on. But no, they just don't shut up. EVERY classmate I'm in, EVERY group, they don't even focus, I do the rest of the work, and when I do tell, and they listen? Something waits for me in the parking lot. Hint: It involves dirt, a water bottle in something I'm only going to call the "Mulch Dunk."

    So I am very, very sorry that I don't want to talk and reach out and just want to get past these years of school the best I can, buy some place far, far away, and ciontnue my life's dream. If I'm lucky and live that long.
    I know that. :| What is going on with you specifically, 'cause I have absolutely no idea other than the cancer part.
    ...you are aware this isn't going to work right?
    There are no pansises in an advanced class. This is the bad combination of idiots who don't take idiocticy that isn't their own, for lack of better words.
    "I know educatioin is important for those who will actualy live long lives."

    The underlined part wasn't even worth mentioning! What's going on with you? :|
    To tear out the pages and then pour stuff on me. AND THE BOOK >:<

    We don't have lockers. We're poor. D: And i can't simply sit at another table, I'm trapped. FFFFFFFFF and even when they are't getting ruined, I still hate lunch with a passion. Istill have some drippy..stuff on my face rom today's "omhg accidental exploding lunch!!11!!"

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