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Notoriously Unknown

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  • "Communism (from Latin: communis = "common") is a family of economic and political ideas and social movements related to the establishment of an egalitarian, classless and stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general, as well as the name given to such a society."

    Basically Communism is a political viewpoint that opposes class systems and aristocracy where everything is shared out equally. During the Cold War everyone in the West was all suspicious of it so sometimes I like to reference that by implying that communists are bad whereas in fact they're not and I've no problem with them whatsoever.

    Ahahahah epic. Vinny, the residential pervface-*shot*

    He has more personality, but that's...a teeeeeeeeeenny defining trait. Leisure Suit Larrylike x3
    People on Omegle keep disconnecting when I post "Cluck cluck gibber gibber, my old man's a mushroom et cetera.".

    Go yell at them Notory :`<
    OH YEAH?

    Руддщ Тщещкн! Ш фь ензштп шт еру Снкшддшс фдзрфиуею Нщг сфттще куфв ершыю
    I am sorry. *gives you I-pod and 'Heart and Soul comes o-*

    WHOOP. *changes it* >>


    Sooo...todaywe alunched rocets in Science :> Fiilling em with water and stuff and then what we did is put it on this air pump and then BOOOOOOOOSH mine hit the roof. I named mine Road Trip.

    ....shut up >:P
    ...arm pain...hmm. Maybe it's a blood clot? I'm not sure.

    Well, yes, but this is more of a fatty build-up. That interfers. I think I can kinda take midicen, but they're negotiantion to make sure it doesn't interfere with othe r medic

    Gotta go.
    A..heart scare? Huh. Define heart srace, Didja feel it?

    Me, ummmm...I got a checkup today. I've been eating like they've told me to do, no fats, at least not that much and all, but apperently...something, like oil is in my liver. I can..almost feel it, it hurts. A lot, actually. Like getting punched there.And sometimes a flicker of pain spreads, but, not so important.

    Are you okay?
    TIMPERVERT passed out O: No, he fell asleep actually. On my lap errrgh my legs >:P I'm on the couch on the laptop and his head's on my legs, damnit. He mutters in his sleep, and his hair's kinda floofy...hrrgh x3 How're you?
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