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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Well, I'm sad today......usually, when I put alot of dots like I am right now, it's a aign I'm sad right now.....Exclamation Points and ^^ indicates that I'm happy....
    Oh, cause I drooled over that House-gets-laid scene in the season premire.
    So confusing....ohywhothehellamikidding BWAAHHAHAHA I should bring Lassie and Shawn into this-


    (Sorry. ><;
    White. NYA-ahhhhahah >3
    Butbut you are a giiiiiiiiirl -shys away-
    (Iunno :v
    I see and I know. Briana told me about you.
    Liar, I didn't. You are a feckin ninja, all sneaking up on me and staring. D:<
    ..guilty? Yeah, probably guitly. I diiid..a little I'm really sorry, I get...bored. A lot, but it wasn't right, though.
    *sigh* Idiot D:<)
    And when I have you...OOC? A bit, but still.
    OO...what? How many fanfics again?
    D:< O-Only the MST's!

    (Who? Me or Tim?

    Well, if you meant me then argggh -blam-)
    *poof* Ummm....starnge. Heelo..self Selves? I- @.@

    (Pervtim be here typing o: We share!
    ...Hello. Ignore...my sister if you'd please.
    *hiss* Tiiiiim D:>
    Or not >w>
    I don't know. Huh...

    Well, my hair's all mussy. I'm guessing I'm you ignoring canon, and you follow canon. In that case...you got laaaaa-*smack* Ow! D:

    Damnit Timpervert >:<

    You rang?

    ...TIMPERVERT d:<

    Nyeeeeeeeee :P
    *tilts head to side*

    ...what's thaaat? :3

    (Hungryyyyyy-*shot* x3 If it takes me abit to respond, it means I'll be making myself something. Yeah, I can cook. Nan taught me. Not half bad at it, I suppose. in the mood for Papa Rellena which is this potato thing filled with meat.

    ...yeah D:)
    Ohh, I see.

    ...so if yer leg pain's slowed down, can she get a piggyback ride plz? Don't care for it much meself, but if you dun wanna do it then...eh, whatever x3

    (Taub playing the game was priceless. Heehee his little lims all..flaily-I'll stop now. Cooking? That was o.o...but it's cooking with scieeeeeeence~)
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