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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Gah, maaan. Too bad too. Gomez is incredible.
    The lyrics go like this:
    I love this island, but this island's killing me
    Sitting here in silence, man, I don't get no peace
    The waves upon my shore take me away piece by piece
    Gonna leave everything I know
    Gonna head out towards the sea
    Jump off the silence
    Gonna head out towards the sea

    I love this city, man, but this city's killing me
    Sitting here in all this noise, man, I don't get no peace
    The cars below my street take me away piece by piece
    Gonna leave everything I know
    Gonna head out towards the sea
    Gonna leave this city, man
    Gonna head out towards the sea

    Get miles away
    Get miles away
    Get miles away
    Get miles

    I love this planet, but this planet's killing me
    Sitting here in all this grass, man, I don't get no weed
    The sweat coming from my palms takes me away piece by piece
    Gonna leave everything I know
    Gonna head to the galaxy
    Gonna leave this planet, man
    Gonna head to the galaxy

    Get miles away
    Get miles away
    Get miles away
    Get miles away
    Get miles away
    Get miles away
    Get miles away
    Get miles

    Maybe the "weed" part explains the controls. D:
    A very long list of incredible musicians, but mostly rock like The Who, Linkin Park, Muse, The Killers, Coldplay, and of course Gomez.
    Oh, and we're listening to this on the trip. I think it was in a House MD epi once. Whatever, it's awesome.
    Yupyup. Just more like a sitcom. It's awesome

    Gah, what is my obsession with medic-type shows? I don't even like needles.

    However, watching them cut open someone's skull an remove half of a patient's brain..that's different. And both have incredible music.
    Uh, actually, probably not. I don't think anyone will notice I'm not around until Hyrule needs savin', so..
    We can make a social group. I donno.
    So...personas.Right, just click that A on the textbox. Colors'll come up, and choose one. Preferaly something we do not have. Like:
    If you type between the ][, it comes out like thiiis.
    *trying to gnaw through the duct tape he's tied up with* Sure. Know what? Sure. I'll give you an autograph. Just untie me please.
    Sure. I see Typh likes you. Good enough for me. Welcome to the weirdo club! ^^
    (Seriously? Niiice. I like you, are it's every blue moon that I like new people. ^^)

    Dunno. Ask Evoli if you can cut in. She's the spinning Marril.
    ...? Meeeh?
    I didn't send you on a mission. I'm on a road trip with Evoli.
    So, and I can't believe I haven't asked but, y'like the TCo of the D?
    *Twitches again* *Pickes up mewling kitten and runs off, laughing like a maniac!* You shall never catche meee! Wahahaha!
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