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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Yes, I figured if I kept asking questions I would get the answer eventually. But man, this is making my head hurt.....Is there an answer to this "test", or do I have to do something?

    "I know you're here. I can hear you."

    "We know. So can we. You're under federal arrest."

    *pathetic wheezing noise*

    ..."She'd stil be alive today if it wasn't for you."

    *runs out screaming*

    ...I guessed.
    Yeah >>;

    ...>:3 Okay did I mention this kid is one of those CONSPIRERS that thinks the FBI listen to us.

    EVERY TIME THIS BOY ENTERS A ROOM, he mtters, "I know you're here. I can hear you.."

    Basiclly we had the art room to ourselves after school. And I went (C'mon FREE ART SUPPLIES like you wouldn't do it) aaanddd....go an guess the rest :D
    ...yawp >:|

    Kid doesn't have a nose OHHHHHHHH.

    ..no he still does IT'S BROKEN OHHHHHH-no.

    ...wanna know what I reaaaaally did to him? >:3 (It involved a dark room, and walkie talkies strapped to the walls not like he could see it :v)
    Nah, I'm kidding. It's quite simple, it's a test of reaction. I loovve inflicting those.

    ..but as for the fuse on some touchy subjects, *some disturbing kid's play to bomb gay people for example* yawp.

    I read it already OHHHHHHHH

    Also wtf test. What is it, some math quiz? D:

    ..do I have permission to eat Srkoy if he asks me, math is too much for my scrabbled mind to understand. If it is math anyhow :v

    (Seriously, I have a weiird learning curve, and it prolly college anyhow. I DON'T WANNA BE MATHSMART SKROY I WANNA BE SOMETHING ELSE.)
    No, you do not know the answer, for this is my test that I have created for you to take. It exists and it is passable. Provide me with a single answer to the question and you shall pass, but firstly you must search for the question because I had already posted it (seriously, it's a real question! >8( )

    By falsely claiming that you and only you know the answer is a sure indication that you are most likely to fail this test of mine. In other words, MASSIVE FAIL!!! XPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
    Well yeah but it's not with me.

    I usually don't use the cane anyhows. i can handle a good deal of pain down there, and when it gets really bad, that's when the wheelchair comes in.
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