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Notoriously Unknown

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  • ....
    99 knights of the air
    Ride super high tech jet fighters
    Everyone's a super hero
    Everyone's a Captain Kirk
    With orders to identify
    To clarify, and classify
    Scramble in the summer sky
    99 red balloons go by

    (...oh shup up, sng's so vetry catchy and SCRUBS :D

    Ever see that ep whwere JD goes "Oh crap how can I make this situation better?:

    *cut to red balloons raining down and dancing while that song plays*

    "...if only D:")
    YAWP :V

    ...although if anyone calls me a man again, I will torture them.
    With chains. And a tree. And a whip.

    Neither do I. In fact, that's why people stray away from me in rl.

    ..well, that and I'm *me* so :V

    And you wouldn't be able to find meee |P Don't worry about it.
    The liver pain I can take. I'll get a transplant, I have work, STILL working. I'll pay it off eventually. I KNOW this is cause for alarm, but I have a backbone, and don't need so many people freaking out over this. People have survived worse.

    The Torrette's on the other hand, is the problem. It's livalble. No ill effects.

    ..oh yeah, exepct I'm completewly losing control of my wn damn body and the one thin g I actulay wanna do...yeah. It's terryfiying and a nightmare, but I CAN HANDLE IT.

    THAT's all my concern, really. But the way you put it...you have five years LEFT.
    I want you to tell me something notty. Lets say your teacher says "Theres a tests today." And when you get the paper, its just blank white paper. When you ask the teach what the test is, she says "SORRY YOU FAIL." Thats what youre doing to me. HOW THE CRAP CAN AOMEONE ANSWER A TEST WHEN THEY DONT KNOW WHAT THE QUESTION IS?!
    It doesn't work cause its too old D: I wanted to learn about animals and all I leared was "ERROR cannot uppdate registry" XD
    ...oh. It-it's like that. I vaugely remember it going like this:

    Few years back: "Ahh, the liver seems to be recuperating

    Few months back (about 6):Well...we checked the (levels of some kind of toxin or something or other that's apperenrly building up in my bloostream. That's what causes the liver to fail.)...they're..very high. she'll eventually need a transplant, or be on dilalysis for life.
    A week's time: ??? Who knows...
    Oh, that's how you're gonna play then, huh? *Sinister grin*

    Question 1) f(x) = ax + b <- Determine the degree of this function
    Now if you excuse me I'm going to play a zaboomafoo computor game that my bro found deep in my dads office.
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