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Notoriously Unknown

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  • I... wanna toughen up a lot more to the things I'm sensitive to... but I don't even know where to start..... but I'll try— no, I HAVE to toughen up!

    But... I just don't want you to be angry at me. (Or worse, change your opinion of me then begin hating me and stop talking to me completely....)

    .....Actually, go ahead, be angry at me for my stubbornness. I knew absolutely nothing of the situation. I'm nobody's therapist; I should've stopped with the "supporting" messages while I was ahead...
    ..........I-I'm sorry, really. And you're right, I have no idea what you're experiencing. I just wanted to help...

    Uh, I think it'd be best if I leave you alone for now as I go cry tears of sadness....


    I look at stuff with a critical symbolic eye so I thought as such. Sorry if I sound like an a-hole when I say this but since it's physical pain, stop whining. You're a strong girl, so tough it out. If you feel like you're gonna die, though, then don't even think that it's the end for you.
    I'm aware of that; I had no clue what you meant when you said you were "in pain", so I tried my best to interpret it and reply to it. My comprehension is bad just so you know.
    I mean, like, people you like talk like this OMG and are total Mary Sues and so POPLUAR~

    They cry. Ohh, so much.

    ....it's almost...fun in a way.

    I'll stop now. >:

    Also we should totally have a book fight. I call the Series of Unfortunate Events seriessss~
    ...You're just wasting your time and energy being angry. Realize that pain is inevitable; the world is not ideal. It is a normal condition of the human life to experience pain and other negative sentiments.

    You're sad and scared, but so what? Life is a road, and they are only obstacles on the road which you can easily bypass by putting your foot on the down hard on the pedal while driving steadily. However, from what I see, you're having difficulty bypassing them because of the fog that is your anger. Get rid of the fog, Nottie. Release it into the world because if you keep letting it enshroud your vision, it will eventually enshroud your mind's judgment and you will remain forever lost on the road of life.

    My suggestion is... well, you're an artist. Art is not just a method of exploiting beauty but also an expression of emotion. Right now, your emotions— especially your anger— are in an ugly state; draw and transform those ugly sentiments into beautiful works of art. The more beautiful they are, the better because that is a sign of your emotions being stable.

    To summarize, there's no reason for you to be in pain nor to be angry. When you begin feeling these negative feelings don't hold it all in; instead, release them by transforming them into an expressive medium.

    (Phew, that was long to type, and I don't even know if it's effective in helping you! If you can't understand a word of it then I'll try my best to give it to you straight instead)
    ...you're welcome. I just....well, I know. You..it's easier to speak with you. You can take some things that people consider brutal. You know I'm trying to help...and you help me.

    So, uh..yeah. You're welcome for that :3
    You're not worthless. You have a large array of friends, and although some are more overprotective and whatnot then others, they care. If you were worthless, do you really think I'd enjoy our conversation? I get mad at people foor trivial things, and most humans are bastards from my experience. You are absolutely nothing like that.
    I completely understand not being happy. There are so, so many people (you not really included. you have a basis, somewhat) that ask me all the time: Be more happy yakyakyak enjoy life blahblahblah there's a light out of every unnel wordswrodswords.

    Even on here. Oh dear god, especially on here.

    There is. But you have to make it. If it's shoved in your face all the time, that takes away the point of it all, doesn't it?

    The melaconoly of human beings is something every one copes with. If a pair of friends don't appreal to you, leave you out of things, then SCREW THEM. Any person can chisel their way out of things. Just takes time. I'm not quite sure whether this helps or not, but at least I tried..something. I can't be sappy, I can do anything through the powar of riiiendship and lurrrrve~♥♥♥♥ or any crap like that. And I don't want to be brutal, I don't wanto to be a bastard in explaining, like I usually am.

    ..I think this is as much as I can help. I also have the feeling someone's going to bugger me about this later. But oh well. You're my friend and I need to kick more arse anyhow.
    Your immune system being one of them I presume.
    But that doesn't exactly explain why you're angry at the world to me. (Then again, I'm not going through chemo, so of course I wouldn't fully understand what you mean).
    *To self* And that's why I should never trust my gut.

    ...Now that you mentioned it, how's that coming along if I may ask?
    This didn't cross my mind until now but— only if you're willing— why exactly are you angry at the world? It's got me curious now.
    There are so many possibilities that one can come up with but my gut is saying it has something to do with school coming up. (But that's just my gut telling me stuff; it could be wrong for all I know)

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