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Notoriously Unknown

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  • That makes senses. And then that means I've been giving these voices too much power to the point of making me think of committing suicide! Hmm...

    Also, about the age thing and your mind, that's a bit concerning. I mean, you're growing up way too fast!
    When you put it that way... sure, I believe you. :)
    That was my main problem, though: I've been hurting myself a lot (not physically mind you). Now I just gotta get these voices out of my head...

    ...Are you sure you're not 11?
    See what I mean? That's something I would never say (because I don't even know how to say it).

    ...Heh.... I made another realization... and now it doesn't feel so painful to mention it: the thoughts of my suicide have been pointless all along. I thought of killing myself for all the wrong reasons, namely because I thought nobody cared for me. I guess I was just too stubborn to realize that there are people out there- whether it's by the Net or RL- who care for my existence.
    ...Now that I think about it, you should be the 17 year old and I should be the 11 year old. In terms of maturity, you're the older one. I've been complaining like a spoiled brat over all my problems yet never trying to resolve them due to my immense fear of the end result. In fact, why am I even scared? Why should I be scared?

    ...That's what I am: a scaredy-cat. I just... never try new things because of a possible bad end result.... Oh God, I shouldn't call myself an adult yet.
    I... am such a hypocrite. Why didn't I realize it sooner?
    You're right, I've been dwelling in the past for far too long! Things have changed since then and not many people IRL and here have been saying anything negative about me.

    That's it! From this day forward, I'm gonna toughen up and become a better! This is for my best friend (you) and other friends (others)! But I can't do this alone; do you mind helping me with this?
    (^Oh God, this sounds so corny in my opinion).
    ...It's true, I do lack self-confidence. It's been a part of my personality my whole life. But it doesn't help when my childhood mostly consisted of people who threw nasty comments and insults at me. As a result, I became a very sensitive person and now I can barely take any negative comment thrown at me. I gotta change that; will you be there to help me see it through, though?

    "You probably wouldn't worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do." -Olin Miller

    I really should follow the quotes I find on the Net; they have a certain truth to them.
    Well, you can still type correctly. i'm the one losing control of my body here >:P
    You lucky kid x3

    (Er, to clear up, I..well, pretty much am, but I don't mean it in a mean qay. Trying to joke bout it)
    He got his cane because of the infarction.

    Also, House seems nicer to kids. Just look through the examples.

    Also, I hear you're dealing with physical pain, huh?

    ...*chuckles* Well, at least ypou have a conpanion through that, Notory. Liver's burning again.

    Not failing, just really, really hurting and it's quite warm in here :3

    Oh I've got a love-v-ly bunch of coconuts *deedle deedee*

    There they are a-standing in a row

    *bum bum bum bum*

    Big ones small ones, some as big as your head

    *give 'em a twist, a flick of the wrist,

    that's what the showman said~

    Remember? Zazu sung this when he was in the bone cage in the Lion JKing?

    Up until the starred part, though :3
    Yeah, it would get boring waiting for poster 1 to come back and edit thier question... I guess people could just answer poster 2's question and so on, but it wouldn't be very fun until someone comes back...
    Oh well! It was just an idea!
    Ok, this may be A bit confusing because I'm just typing from an idea in my head:
    Ok, here’s how it goes.

    Poster 1: asks a question. (yes or no type would be easier)

    Poster 2: answers question. (don’t try to mess this up on purpose) And asks another question (again, yes or no type would be easier).

    Poster 1 then edits their question to make it funny with the answer. (nothing too rude)
    Jack (Jack_the_White) doesn't think it could work because poster 1 has to come back. He also claims that it breaks the rules because of that.
    Biiiig dinner. |:D

    But unfortunately, no canolis. Ahhh, I miss the fluffy whiteness of it already.

    ...but I do have cheesecake. And my tea. And typing with one hand since I'm taking ou the ol' girl for a play (read: remeber that old, antique guitar that belonged to my grandpa? Haven't played her-and yes, of COURSE she's female D:- in a while. I can play better with my left hand ironically. Typing with right :3)
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