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Notoriously Unknown

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  • I know what blowing a raspberry is; I was just playing around with the words. You didn't have to go so far as to call me a pervy bastard. -_-;;
    (Okay, maybe you can sort of call me pervy but hey, you pick up on a few things when you go to a school where people usually make sex jokes. =P).
    ffffff damn pills >:|

    kay, imagine this purpul corn, dark colored.

    now imagine A JUICE MADE FROM IT 8D

    It's all sweet and tangy and cooold and aaaaaaaaaaaa~

    (...Okay, so my mind thinks up dirty thoughts sometimes but, uh... um... duh.... XP)
    And French+Politics is the Anti-Skroy. If that's the case, I wonder what the Anti-Ryann is like? :3

    (Anyway, no math is involved, only logic and intellectuality. You're basically inputting numbers around so that they fit and meet the criteria. I'm playing a puzzle right now, it's fun! ^w^ Wanna give it a try?)
    Hiya. (....You know, when it's between us, it's always me who greets you instead of the other way around. O_o)

    Have you ever played Sudoku? [/Out of the blue]
    *sigh* It'sfine. I'm fine with it until I talk to..them.

    I mean..they were ORPHANED, Carls. Dad lived witht them when their (and half sisters, yeaaah on of the things I kinda got mad at him for as a little kid is that he kept marrying people) mom died, and...now they lie with an aunt.

    ..remind me why I can't get over this again...?
    ...try not seeing youer dad for oh, I dunno, eiht years, talking to him almost eery other week for a ln time, feeeling a teeny bit awkward but stll...

    And then finding out that...will never happen again. Dad...Dad had a nice voice too...the only reason I remeber this is..well, I told you about my mom's cancer right?

    Well, nan also got premonia during that time, and I had to live with my aunt for a month or so. I was...five, and scared.
    I am going to give you one uess on who I talked to every night.

    ...it's actually been half a year....
    What I-WHAT?!


    (Which made the half sister chat...feel weird ;-;

    And if someone that isn't you tells me to get over it and toughen up....*sigh*
    YOU try not feeling guilty sometimes...it's been half a year and STILL....
    I worry about unimportant thiiings I get it >:|)

    Bricks only.

    Which would explain the blood pouring down my leg.

    Exuse me for a sec. *limps inside that buliding whch is coincedentlly a hospital*
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