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Notoriously Unknown

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  • W-Wow, I was expecting a different answer.... But at least you got the general sense about why I greet you (there's more to it than meets the eye though...). But what makes you sure about the state of our friendship just because of the fact I'm clingy and paranoid by nature? I don't really understand that. And also, what did you mean when you said, "I am not expendable to you"? I don't know the definition of "expendable" much to my dismay.

    And I'm completely aware that I'm the only one who can help stabilize the voices and others can only give advice. However, it's how I take/interpret the advice that will help me stabilize the voices; I am testing myself to see whether or not I can take the comeback.

    EDIT: Never mind, I just got what you were saying. And... ugh. Now that I think about it, I guess I've always been clingy and paranoid my whole life. Something should be done about it, do you agree? They're the main root to my problems from what I see; I gotta get them under control and prevent them from overwhelming my consciousness.

    Also, if you don't mind, I don't want to continue this convo and I have a feeling you don't want to either; it's starting to annoy me as well as cause a bit of emotional trouble (not paranoia or depression just to reassure you; more like anger and I'm hoping to avoid it). Right now, though, I just wanna go back to our regular conversations where you goof off and I attempt to be goofy but fail at it (in which case I laugh joyously at myself when I reread them). I really enjoy those kinds more than the serious ones.
    Firstly, I would like to say, "Darn you, database error, for lasting at least 24 hours for me yesterday!"

    Back to my message, just a thought. (And expect these bursts coming from me. They're random thoughts that pop up in my mind that may or may not concern/revolve around me, and sometimes I have the urge to ask them because I want to know the answer- even if it will jeopardize our friendship. If I wanna be a better person, I gotta ask questions that I'm afraid to ask without fear of the response):

    Are you jealous of me? And if so, why?
    As you know, I'm super jealous of you for a number of reasons. (Meh, too many list, but your art, wisdom, goofiness, your way of thinking, even the development of your mind at your age are a few to name).

    EDIT: Actually, one more thought and its been bugging me a lot: do you get me? For example, do you understand why I do the things I do, such as greet you every time I notice you're online or why I allow myself to be jealous of others? (If you feel as if this thought "killed the cat", then please do tell me; I just want answers is all, to stabilize the voices in my head).
    I will~


    I foudn this internet tool SAI. It's like piant and photoshop HAD A BABY


    Aw, c'omn. Can't be that bad :3 What's so bad about it?

    Well, the spasming has lowered so much.

    ..It's almost..alien, havin my hand not twict for a good while.

    ..this looks amazing, or at least I think, what I'm drawing. i'm actually proud of something o:

    *sob* :'D
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