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  • I'm pretty good, I guess. :D Though most of my pokemon don't have perfect natures. Like my quirky Typhlosion. I just love him because he's shiny. :O

    I take shortcuts like that, too. xD I love it for speedy stallers like Celebi, where all you need to do is put 152 in Speed and 8 in HP, then the steroids do the rest. :D

    Oooh, hacked. :D AR, I assume, or did you clone a ton of times?
    Well, you can find Machops reletively easy (I go above Oreburgh City) and at a low level, so I can still train my level 1's pretty easy with a Focus Sash and some potions. :D

    Steelix gives two, doesn't it? Iron Island is a hotspot...
    Attack, (I use Machops for that) Defense and HP. I just wish HP had some better pokemon to chain then Shellos and Bidoof. o.o

    I restarted my Emrald (Raping for TM's, Master Balls, ect.) and am now at the beginning, so that zero's out that option.

    I chain, too, but it took me six tries just to get a Machop to appear. D:

    I don't have Pokerus, and I uh... don't have a Macho Brace either... D:
    Idiots. xD

    ...this is annoying. I'm attempting to do some EV training and none of the right pokemon are appearing. D:

    ...I once spent $15 on some stuff that was in it's package, but didn't have sign saying "I IS BROKEN" on it. D: Aaaand it was in Lacey, Washington, like seven hours from where I live. No returns. :P
    I've been to New York... uh... twice. But the last time I was there was like, five years ago, so I don't remember much. Just that a guy knocked me over. xD

    Lucky. There isn't even a store here of any kind. D: There used to be a gas station, but it burned down forty years ago. xD I'd love to have at least a GameStop within a half hour of here. :D

    Arrr. You get dibs this time... but I call dibs on whatever he brings next... o_o (I just hope it isn't his lunch or some other useless crap. xD)
    Nintendo is an attentionwhore. xD

    I didn't know that! :O I never knew we've had a pokemon center in America at all. :P

    Around here, all I get are Wi-Fi events. :x The closest GameStop is two hours away, TRU, four. D:
    Well, I've seen pictures of a pokemonm car. But pokemon is cooler than YuGiOh, so that explains it.
    You mean when people plaster cards/paint their car to have some sort of fandom on it? :O
    em nomnom tinfoil and em charlie [/randomerester because of bda grammur an alzo giveeng me riil naem]
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