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  • ACK! THAT'S BRILLIANT! I'll go see it again, watych the credits and write down the name of the stunt double! Then... hehe... stalking time. :D
    Exactly. :D I'm gonna be testing for my Black Belt in fall and I still can only do, like, two of those moves. xD
    Okay! :D

    ...I saw Iron Man 2. Scarlett Johansson just came first in my list of sexiest girls. :O And she is badass. :P
    "Pervy Bunny". xD I'm a Gardevoir person, myself, but you have a point with Lopunny. :P
    But at school I heard rumors that a kid at IS 357294068340 was abducted!

    Halo? Really? I sorta like Halo. I'm not a fan of FPS games in general (which is why I don't have an xbox), but Halo's pretty fun.
    Yeah. I dunno much about my family history, and I don't even care that much about it. xD

    I'll be doing that later tonight, in a coupla hours. :D Y'know, Jennifer Aniston is hot, too. :O

    She does, I guess. x3
    My moms... great-great grandparents, I guess, lived in Europe until, like, 1850-60, then they came here, traveled West over here to Idaho, and voila. Here I is. :P Then my day just descended from well, the natives here, so I durno what else to say about that. xD
    American Indian. :3 Though I seriously don't look it at all. I have dark blonde hair and my skin is kinda pale. xD Too much German blood in me, I guess. :P
    Sort of what I meant. xD That is not fat!

    ...yes, the U.S. is stupid. Russia is where it's at. :P
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