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  • I hope my anniversary present is something I can corrupt, since my first ever chest was black.

    ...shut up.
    Yeah. It's nice. xD I'll probably watch some later... maybe I shall find the GOLDEN HENTAI. :OOO
    Mine are pretty quite and leave the TV loud, which makes it a pain in the ass to listen. D:

    ...but using my DSi or Wii helps me avoid them.
    at least long enough to climax. xD
    Oh. xD My parents don't trust me on the internet anymore, due to said "are you...? O\_/O" incident. :P

    Minimizing a study site and listening extremely well helps. :D
    You mean you've been caught multiple times and still look at porn? You are a god. *Bows down*

    Porn is easy to find! xD And all of it is nice! :DD

    Well, my parents once though they saw me looking at hentai because when they walked in I just went "WHA FDGFDOI?!" *Exits out of page*. Then came the "don't do this on the internet" conversation, where I just pretended to listen. xD

    Yes, master, help us find TEH GOLDEN "STUFF"! :OOO
    *Slaps disgracing sushi chef*

    It is awesome to look at. :D Good thing my parents dunno I've looked/look at hentai, or they'd kill me. xD

    ...If I ever get it going, you shalt have a VIP membership. Or you could just be a mod and add some yourself. xDDD
    I've never eaten sushi. D: Maybe that's why I'm an idiot. :P

    ...exactly. I should just start a hentai site on freewebs for some easy cash. Plus, I'd have some "stuff" to look at when I'm feeling perverted. P:
    I'm not the only one, then. :D As you mentioned, I also have an attraction to ones with a nice body or butt. Skinny brunettes in particular, hence my attraction to Yuna. xD

    The Japanese' idea for hentai was brilliant. They knew fanboys would be lured instantly. :P *Cough*Me.*Cough*
    I'm not weird if I'm attracted to fictional gals, am I? D: (I know Yuna does turn a lot of guy on, but I'm attracted to lots of fake charecters. xD)

    Thanks. My background is sexy now.
    I must make it the background picture for my DSi. :D *Snaps photo*

    Yes. Yes she must turn everyone on. :O
    Actually, people are meeting inside the building, not the bus or outside. The bus is waiting for people after the initial meeting. Dr. Saguaro is in the lobby of the Bio building.
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