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  • That is exactly how it happened, yes. That's how I got blacklisted by every Moomoo Milk bottling company in nearly every region. I have to buy the stuff one at a time from vending machines, now. Do you know how many vending machines in Asber have Moomoo Milk? Two. One on the roof of the local library and one on the third floor of a holographics company. I have to wear a suit for the second one.
    Yay another YW fan :D

    Yeah, I remember he didn't care but he called Nita small fry or something jokingly for it so I think he was more like 'lol what's wrong with my full name'.
    Meh, we've got more ridiculous questions/answers in stock but some of them are secrets at the moment.
    I'll take one of your battles, no need for $10. Consider it a Christmas present since I didn't get you one. Which one do you want taken?
    Yes, but mine is made of GAS AND ALSO ICE CHIPS


    In looking up what a 'Fl'hight' is I realized that we have many of the same pokémon.
    That's no way to support your allies! I was just saying that if we manage to somehow fail then I and the rest will certainly be killed before you are. Nothing to worry about, at least not until the psychological counseling I'll require once this is all through with.

    We can do this.
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