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  • I need to start getting more active in ASB. I'm sorry about your battle. I hope to get it up today. Again, sorry about the wait.
    If I could run the registration thread there I would. Out of the 6 mods there only 2 of them have been there the last month. It didn't even take me three days to get ready here. The other site took about a week >_< I like how fast it is here.
    Yeah it has been extremely dead over there. I just DQ'ed 6 people from not posting lol. I'm about to have a spot open so we could have a battle other there to. I'm trying to get the calculator they use here to work but it keeps saying it can't find the page >_<
    Not used to the ref making the post. At PKMN2000 the person to accept the challenge in the challenge thread makes it. I'd battle you over there but I don't have anything on a first stage evolution except ditto lol.
    So how does it work here? At the other site, we usually set the thread ourselves. Sadly at the other site things move REALLY slow. A battle get reffed usually in a three week period due to not so many refs and tons of battles.
    I did, though I just realised that I forgot the academic awards night at my school and apparently someone made a speech about me that I missed.
    Well, I think a good thing to do is draw out your character's point of view. Pose questions, followed by a description of nose-picking or something.

    Actually, I don't know. I think once you've read a few old ones, you'll get it. Or after you've RP'd a little. I think even if you commit horrible RP crimes, you seem considerate enough that you can be easily forgiven until you get the hang of it. So no worries~
    You can join my RP! :3 It's Bleach-based, and if you know nothing about Bleach, I could totally explain everything and be happy to do it~ (No seriously. It brings me joy to explain Bleach.)
    Nope, I didn't forget. I've just had very limited computer access over the long weekend. I have all the calculations done, and I'm halfway through the narrative. Should be up some time mid-afternoon tomorrow after I finish school.

    Sorry about the wait.
    Whoops, I only posted there because there was something on the main screen that said Last Post for that section.
    Thank you! He'll probably get a lot more action being on your team than on mine.

    I have noticed. You have, like, the smallest team in ASB considering you have been playing it for a while =o.
    If you keep my Gyarados' name, I will love you forever, especially if you know the reference. If you make a sig attribute about it too somehow, I will love you beyond forever.
    In fact, I didn't. I think it's only been two days since the last set of commands? Yeah, I'll get to it either Monday or Tuesday. Right now I'm sort of busy preparing for a test, and your battle is fifth on my list. Sorry.
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