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  • Hmm? Even if you do manage to actually piss me off (not exactly easy, since I stop reading when I approach that point) it's not like I'd stop reffing your battles or something :P
    I remember you had this in your sig for a while and it stuck in my head...

    So, what do you prefer: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature with great effort? I personally think the latter makes for more interesting characters, but you might have a different view.
    Most people make those sorts of mistakes when they start out :P
    But in the end, it's your call.
    Ooh thank you, I'll watch it as soon as I can.

    And sadly, I haven't yet :c I want to though
    Would you mind if I take your battle against CJBlazer again?
    EDIT: Actually, nevermind. Figured it would be best to just get the reffing up as soon as possible, and post in the outpost so that nobody would mistakenly take it later.
    Yeah, there's two left, I think! You can check with Blazhy and Mai if you're interested in borrowing a fully-evolved Pokemon for the match btw.
    Oh hey, almost forgot, you were interested in the battle for ASBer, weren't you? Are you going to sign up now that there's slots available?
    Pfft, I need to get it on DVD. :C It's hard to find! I only had a rental copy from my local store, with a hilarious misspelling on the cover.
    I played 2 first as well, but I got the impression Grunt was just working with you for the sake of working with you and would just kind of part ways with you forever afterwards, whereas Wrex starts that way but can end up making friends with Shepard if you try hard enough.
    I don't think I could ever let Wrex die. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Only problem with him is everybody hates Grunt because he isn't Wrex, when he's actually pretty cool.
    Hmm... Phantom, I do understand that you really don't like waiting. However, I'll probably take about this long with your battle every round. An e-ref could be the way to go with you, but what I fear is that getting one might take longer. Either way, it's up to you, and I apologize for taking as long as I am.
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