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  • Well, I didn't do anything to deserve this and they won't exactly stop if we ask real nice, so I feel I must fight. I have no other option, since I don't consider 'The Benedict Arnold' approach to be applicable.
    We didn't do anything. And I don't care if they're 'gods' or not, they destroyed my home for things I had no hand in. If they had simply taken Negrek then I suppose I could understand their motives, but I can hardly respect the beings who would throw a gigantic flying tantrum and destroy a city over the actions of one woman.
    ... They do? Huh. You could try tunneling or someth-

    You know what? No. You should be helping us, or at least helping the injured, instead of flinging up your arms and proclaiming yourself lost. And 'fight another day'? Hah. Today is when we all fight, today is when we win; any other day this will be over one way or another. You won't fight another day. At best you'll be killed for insubordination to your new 'gods' and at worst you'll become their simpering little human toy. Either way you'll have the blood of slaughtered people on your hands and an undamaged body that you won't deserve.
    ... why?

    Just run, you little traitor. Run and hide in the Sevii Islands or someplace and maybe I won't tell anyone. Or just be a double agent..? Or just hide until the battle is over and we've won, but for Mew's sake don't help them kill anyone. I tried to get all of my League pygmy wooper out of the Mart but it's a big place and hard to search when it is raining meteors being held back only by shields that no one should help sabotage if they value themselves as moral beings...
    You don't know a darned thing, Phantom. Just you wait and see.

    Run away and wet your undies if you want, but don't jump ship by smashing open the only thing keeping anyone in the city alive.
    Mewtwo isn't the only Psychic pokémon in the league and I HEARD Y'ALL PLOTTING through my abra. Phantom, so help me I will melt your face if you sabotage the shields.

    Your newfound stalker,
    I dunno, but it seems very eager to dig into that suspicious substance. I'd love to know what the context of it was, but I guess it's funnier without it.

    Hey, by the way, you have some unclaimed presents in the birthday center!
    Język polski jest językiem uczyć się jeżeli nie wy macie tubylec przed wami.

    Yeesh that was terrible.

    I doubt there is many people here who can understand Polish! Very weird but cool language.
    Mieliśmy polską wymiany studentów, który nauczył mnie trochę. Miał poważne zmiażdżyć na mnie. Prawdopodobnie nie chcą wiedzieć, że co?
    Hehe. "We're on our honeymoon, and... we lost our luggage." "Yes, but why are you wearing that?" X3
    It's one of those phrases like Ci! A lot of people know them and don't take em!
    I remember some of the forum perceiving him as a troll, but my memory is a bit blurry, so, um.
    Wow so COOL!
    If I joined on your Birthdate then you are AWESOMEWLY EPICNESS!
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