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  • Uuugh, only 62 people showed up for the masters at the Rhode Island regional today. Mighta been worth the money/time to get a train out there just because that's only like four wins to get a nationals invite.

    Of course, the people who did show up were more likely to be serious competitive players, so greater chance of getting R1'd, but still. :( Blar.
    Nothing that I seriously needed to know; I was just struck by a sudden fit of curiosity.

    And :D!
    Where did the map/info on gym leaders etc. for New Logora go? I couldn't find that stuff after a brief glance around the Phoenixdex today.
    Oh, I'm glad to hear I'm enjoying it too! That said, I was walking around the laboratory like a zombie today with some weird automated pipette thing where you can specify what insignificant, tiny volume of liquid you want to take up; something like 20 µl or something like that. My friend and I spent the entire time just laughing at how many stupid errors we both made for lack of sleep, yet still managed to finish ahead of, with mainly good results, a bulk of the rest of the class. :D

    Aw; I've never heard of someone suddenly becoming squeamish before but I suppose it must happen! To be honest if I weren't doing this I think I'd be doing music, perhaps? Speaking of squeamish we were using red blood in our experiments today so, perhaps you were correct not to pursue this route. (That said there are some very non-bloody areas of science!)
    Ah, well! I hope you're enjoying all of that stuff. Make a name for yourself at some point, I bet. :D

    I'm studying BioVeterinary science - it's like vet science only 3 years long instead of 5, doesn't allow you to do surgery and is completely geared towards research. I'd rather be doing the 5 years but until that time comes, this is as good as I could ask for, so I am very glad of it. :-) Sounds kind of boring to someone who's not an animal enthusiast, does it not? :P
    It is going well otherwise, though I feel rather unprepared for unexams and even more unprepared to study. Go me. Still, hopefully things will pan out well. I'm kind of trying to aim my hardest to get the best score I can though. :(

    What kind of work are you doing now? The same kind of things as last time? :)
    Ah, too bad. It *was* a fun game, despite my screwing everything up as usual.
    I was about to be all indignant that I didn't get a PM. Then I remembered that I'm dead. <<; How long ago was that?
    Just wondering... were you going to change up your signature a bit to take out the references to TVTropes Mafia anytime soon?
    Clearly not - your name has just vanished! :O

    I'm alright, though maybe a little run down. Started university at the start of this academic year and have been struggling to sleep properly ever since! I blame the fact that the bed is really quite uncomfortable. What are you not-overwhelming yourself with nowadays, then?
    Annually, but you can buy shorter hosting periods, I think. If you buy an annual plan you get a discount.
    Eh, I dunno. I was kinda underwhelmed by the last chapter, but it might be amusing!

    A pleasant end to an otherwise crappy day... that actually won't end for a while yet. =/
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