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Phyro Phantom
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  • Well, let's hope you get that scanner very soon.

    And if you want Notory to be able to see art (I convo-stalk my friends, what of it?), you have to upload it in an album on here. The blocks don't prevent her from seeing images uploaded on this site.
    Eh, noes. Sorry, I only give out my e-mail to really close friends. I have to really trust you before I'll give you it. ;D

    But anyways, HI. HOW ARE YOU?
    I can teach you a trick for posting handrawn pics. Take a picture of them with a digital camera. That's what I do~ ^w^
    Yeah, I saw your art thread, but I didn't get to see a few pics due to child blocks. You probably know about that predicament though, right? If not it's in my sig..
    "Game Start" is more of a side project for whenever I have writer's block when typing up "Tales of Acceptance". Anyway, thanks for considering because I need characters. =P
    It depends on what OC you submit; we'll have to negotiate first.
    And whether they battle or not as soon as they encounter each other is my choice to make.
    First off, you didn't need an account at FF.net to review it; I allowed anonymous reviews. =P
    Thanks for the review Phyro. ^w^ And you're right, there should be more suspense to the ending of the chapter. Problem is, suspense is not my forte. Could you help me with it?

    (Your mine now)... yep, it's a typo. Thanks for noticing.

    Hopefully I'll improve my writing style; I was never great at writing anyway in English class. Now, if you want to see more of the story, pester me! ^w^
    (By the way, would you like to submit an OC? (Original character) I wanna try them out for the first time. =) You don't have to submit one if you don't want to).
    Well, I got off my arse and actually posted my fanfic here. Be aware that by the time I'm writing this message that the wording of the first chapter on this forum is slightly different than the one on FF.net (because I have yet to replace the chapter with the revamped written piece on FF.net).
    But the kids I know are arseholes who jokes about a fellow cllassmate-and a good frined on mine and one of the few I've made-'s death THE DAY WE FIND OUT.
    Well, I have to get off at..around 9:30.

    Mom: "blalbah you don't intereact with people blahblah"

    Errggh >< If she only knew.

    But if she did...well, she doesn't like me talking with poeple on the comp. -.-
    Thank you! kyquazadon is my favorate of the ones Ive made so far. I'm going to do a splice of zapdos, multres and articuno next.
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