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  • I KNOW.

    I'm online now. I will continue to be so until such a time as I get tired and fall asleep. Except I slept till 5pm today, so that shouldn't be for a good few hours.
    Heeeee, I got your text this morning <3 I thought you'd like it, but I'm so, so thrilled you like it *this* much. :DDD
    Haha, was there ever any doubt? :p
    I'm glad you like it <3 and I hope it didn't raise too many questions with your parentals :)
    Happy (now late) birthday! :D
    (also I'll get on MSN more soon, I promise)
    And you finished the series! Huzzah! I'll try and be online for a decent amount of time soon, but in the meantime, you should post your thoughts over at the Buffy club :)
    Hehe, nope! I thought you were gonna get the big boxset-thingy at some point, so I didn't get any Buffy DVDs :3
    I knooooooow it's very sad when Oz and Willow split up. Mostly because Crying Willow is the most powerful force in the universe and seeing her cry over pretty much anything breaks my heart. I'm pathetic, I know.

    Hehe, thanks for keeping me up-to-date with your thoughts. Vicariously watching Buffy for the first time thrills me way more than it should. I miss you terribly, too; I can only get on the 'net at the uni library, and they were very thoughtless in not making the opening times consistant with whatever time it is in Oregon. Making MSNing pretty hard. But! I might get the internet in my house sometime this week, which will be so, so great. You'll be the first to know if I do :D
    Fear Itself is gooooood. Sure, the middle bit's stolen a little from the S1 episode Nightmares, the ending is still hilarious. "Who's a little fear demon?" XD
    Plus, Anya as a bunny and Giles with a chainsaw? YES.

    AAAAH I finally managed to get onto the internet on my laptop at the library, and OH MY GOD your comments made me laugh so much I'm amazed I didn't get kicked out. Haha, I freaked out very much too when Cordy was all impaled and then there was a shot of a funeral and then nearly died when Willow and Buffy were just casually walking past going "So yeah; Cordy's gonna be fine." You're evil, Joss; so evil.

    Actually, I think Xander already lost his virginity to Faith, possibly in an episode I made you skip? Although with your anger at Xander for sleeping with someone other than Willow, and also your love of the Oz and Willow scenes, I have to ask; W/X or W/O?

    So what've you got next? Beer Bad is one of those "so bad it's good" episodes (unlike a later S4 episode, Where the Wild Things Are, which is so bad it's bad), and I need to hear all your thoughts on Wild at Heart. The Initiative is alright (not too memorable, but has some very important plot points) and then you're onto a straight run of three of my all-time faves; Pangs, Something Blue (a Willow episode that is hilarious in every possible way) and Hush (which is epic in every possible way. And episode 10, not 16; Doppelgangland's episode 16 of S3 and I got confused XD). I'm serious. When you watch Hush, I need your every thought about it. :D

    Oh, Vamp Willow. You're evil, skanky and kinda gay, and I find the idea of you and regular Willow together ("Though I do like the idea of the two of us...") much more appealing than I should.
    Aaaah, but I can't log into MSN at all, so that's no good! Leave me messages here!!!

    I can't believe you watched it without meeeee; wasn't it so, so great? She's only in two episodes, but Vamp Willow is one of my absolute favourite characters.

    Where in S4 are you? S4 is disliked muchly by some, but it's my favourite. The overarching plotline's not the best, but lots of individual episodes are AWESOME. Hush (episode 16, if I remember correctly, and if I do I'm a bigger geek than even I thought) even beats out Doppelgangland as my favourite :D

    Also!Also! It's almost painful for me that I can't be online with you when you're watching episodes anymore; please PM/email/whatever me with any and all comments about the episodes you're watching (have you seen Doppelgangland yet?) because your commentary on them makes me stupidly happy/laugh way too much.


    I should have the internet back by around the 16th of October. God, I wish it was sooner, but it doesn't look like it will be. Grr. Argh. )<
    Glad your classes are okay and things; I'm itching to get back to uni... all my friends who live down here are already back at their respective unis, so it's just me sitting around waiting.
    Yeah, Willow's actress does get better, and you're not the first person to say she's a little like me; I think it's the neruotic babble XD
    Haha, the internet demon episode is regarded to be one of the absolute worst episodes ever; I don't mind it, but the early episodes always make me laugh because everyone's so little and cute. As a warning, they are totally not kidding when they joked about how none of them are ever going to have normal, happy relationships. It's really quite sad D:
    Pictures? Oh maaaan I need to get my sorry ass online every now and again >< I want to seeee~
    Enjoying being back at school? I'm not heading back to uni for another week and I can't wait; I'm so bored at home at the moment DX

    Yay for Buffy! How're you liking it? Favourite character so far? :D I've already warned you I'm sure, but the first season's not as good as it gets later on; seasons 3, 4 and 5 are the best, imo :3
    I finally got Firefly on DVD and absolutely love it; Joss Whedon is freakin' awesome.
    Haha, I read that as "I've only had 7 periods this year" and I was thinking "That's not normal..." before realizing who the message was actually from XD
    So what've you been up to over summer? Sorry to hear about school generally being sucky; when're you going back?
    Four months? Seriously? Jesus. ><
    Uuh, I've been avoiding the rat poison, I hope you'll be glad to hear, but RL's kept me pretty busy, either through having to hang out with actual human beings, or being away from the computer (possibly due to broken internets).

    So, uh, how's your summer been? And I absolutely promise I'll reply before Christmas :D
    I'm sorry; I've been quite busy recently with revision for my finals and looking after the house while the parentals are away and having a crappy internet at home (I'm back at uni now, so it's slightly better); what've you been up to while I've been abandoning you?

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