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  • It sucks when all the people you like aren't in the same classes; virtually all my friends at uni are doing completely different courses to me, so I don't know anyone in my lectures. It's not as bad as actually disliking people/having people dislike me, but not knowing anyone in a room full of 200+ people is very lonely ):

    Hope you get better classes next term~
    Hiiii PK~

    I'm a horrible, horrible person x.x It's really no excuse, but I've been caught up with work the past few weeks (I went home two weeks ago and intelligently forgot to bring the laptop charager, so I've been catching up with work I should've been doing) and generally have pretty limited computer time, which royally sucks. I really need to get my life in some sort of order so I sleep, eat and work like a normal person. D:

    What've you been up to?
    Just barely X)
    Basically, I've been busy with looks of uniish things; I've spend all of today, from when I woke up at 11am to when my friend dragged me out carol singing at 7pm, writing this freaking essay, and it's still missing over a quarter of its wordlength.
    And I need to get it done by 1pm tomorrow ><

    But enough about me and my woes. How're you?
    Oh, hey. :D I do sorta remember you. Not much about you, but yeah. Haven't talked to you in a while.
    D: I'm sorry; I'm just about to go to bed - I'm not feeling well and have to get up stupidly early tomorrow (it's nearly midnight).

    Tomorrow, maybe?
    Ill D:

    My sister's been off school for ages with this sore throat/headcold combo and it feels like I must've caught it. I've been lying in bed feeling sorry for myself yesterday and most of today. Bleh, it sucks.

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