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  • So I totally forgot we had an ASB battle going. I'm pretty sure we're good to call in an e-ref by now. I'm gone next week, but we can still get one if you're interested?

    There was literally only one round completed, I dunno, zeKierenator was the ref I think
    I finished the main bit of the game yesterday. xD
    Beat the E4,beat the champion,became the champion,and all of that,yano. :3
    So now I guess I'm just waiting for Monday to get black and start that. xD
    Cause I dunno whats left to do in this game really,unless I wanted to go back and catch the Mespirit,Azelf,& Uxie,which I guess I will do eventually. x3
    But yeah. xD
    Yeah thats what I heard too. Ah well. xD
    ROFL is divorced from LMAO, and their only child was ROFLMAO.

    (rah rah rah)

    I think LOL is seeing ROFL.

    (rah rah rah)

    Oh. Well, last time I checked, the pen killed the sword. ._.
    Oh and see,I just passed that a few hours ago and caught the Giratina,soo you're not that far behind where I am now. x3
    Oh I know. >.> And the stupid little Bidoofs. Really any weak,wild,popular pokemon...>.> Just,ugh,no. xD But there were some cool ones,I liked and caught anyways XD

    The pokemon Im actually using in battles with,uh..that are in my 'party'? or whatever? *not that caught up on Pokemon terms yet so forgive me if I mess up on what to call things XD* are Jirachi,Palkia,Lugia,Moltres,Ho-Oh,And Mewtwo XD So yesh. :3

    I want to maybe get white,as well,eventually. Both the legendaries are awesome for each game,and I heard both the games were too,so,really,I guess choosing isnt even right. xD
    No no no Epic's a diva. And divas are single.

    (rah rah rah)

    .. I.. *doesn't know how to respond*
    Tis alright :3 So understand that,soo..

    I've been playing pokemon alot the last couple days >.> Well,I've almost beaten the 8th gym in platinum? So yeah. I've gotten to know alot,including the Zubats. I HATE THEM. XD SO I can understand your fury there. And *whoaaathatssotrue* which is why,I stock up on Repel before stepping foot in the stupid caves and mountains and such because GOD THEY'RE SO ANNOYING. Bronzors too,or hell,any wild pokemon that get in the way when Im trying to hurry up and get some place. But yeah. xD

    I did decide to go with Black. Though I can't get it until Monday,but yeah. '.' Reshiram looks awesome :3 Zekrom too but,I just really took a liking more towards Reshiram. idek. Plus most people I've talked to/my friends and all got white so,naturally I chose to be annoying and different and mess up the thing. But oh well,I mean,Its not like im the only one in the world with it. Im just rambling and going on with it,so...yes. x3
    Zubats? '.'..

    I may get white. I haven't quite decided yet,I dunno. I guess to me it doesn't make much difference,cause apart from platinum I've never even played a pokemon game,and wouldn't know where to begin,really. *noob* but yeah xD What would you recommend I start with? xD
    I'm actually new to strife,
    But rhyming is quite truly a part of my life.
    Poetry comes easy to me;
    I'm just that kind of person, you see.
    You are once again wrong,
    And even though this isn't a song
    It's been evident all along
    That you are going to be gone.

    This is heresy
    And blasphemy
    How you assume the pretense
    And try to counter an offense
    Of you having a broader stock of jargon
    That leaves a wide margin
    Of error
    That will leave you in terror

    Because your palaver
    Is not of high caliber
    Even for you
    It should be taboo
    For anyone to be so terrible at rhyme
    And not have to mime.

    Anyway, as you can percieve
    It would be an easy time to leave
    For you to back down.
    Descend from your stolen crown
    And hand it to the royalty
    Who hands her loyalty
    To an actual code
    Of words and their mode.

    So you see about the FIRES
    I'm high above in spire
    Of a tower in a castle
    And not to be any hastle
    But I'd like to prove
    And for you to move
    To your deserved title of second place.
    To allow you to save face,
    You can have that.
    Once we resolve this spat
    And take it off the mat
    We both know who's taking first prize.
    I can see it with my eyes
    In a mirror, without lies
    I'm holding the trophy and grinning
    Because I am definitely winning.
    I'm in my chateau
    On the plateau
    Enjoying my leisure
    Because not to give you a seizure
    (This can't be too upsetting)
    And have you too regretting
    Your fight with me.
    What I meant to say
    Is that this is simple;
    It isn't even a dimple
    On my mountain of things to do.
    So now I await your reply.
    I'm sure it won't defy
    My expectations much.
    And as such,
    I'll be ready for another futile attempt to victory.
    We both know it's going to me.
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