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  • With several Shuppet!

    ...dolls - Dave. Heeeey.

    (you didn't like Indigo? :o)


    YaY :o)
    Not much, I've just been busy with homework. Also, I'm going to the national science olympiad competition. I'm really excited.

    How are you doing now? Is your ne-Chief Zackrai down there said exactly what I was going to say.

    But yes, how are you, Blade?
    yo, bro watup?

    God please kill me for saying that. How are you doing now? Is your never ending fountain of homework receding yet?
    Hey, Blade. I'm alright. Afterwards I just locked myself in the house and stayed far away from that guy. He eventually left, though he destroyed my mother's flowers in the process. When my mom came home she was in tears with worry, but we settled down. So, yeah. I'm good :) Nice to see you guys care, though.
    Just... people, I guess. It's been with you, but maybe I'm lurking too far back. I don't know. Ignore my random inability to understand the people here.
    What? Oh, god no. Just, like, The way people make it sound, you guys might be having... trouble? Sorry for being unclear before.

    If you are, I'd be willing to help. I've had relationship trouble before. It sucks.
    I honestly have no idea what could have been going on.

    It's just... not knowing of anything that might have been going on, and then reading some of your conversations (not that they're overly suggestive, but it seems that people tend to be criptive about these things, and i have no idea why), it makes me think, I guess.
    Oh right I forgot, I put their names on the back of their head things. *waves hand mytically-er*
    I get that bit, but is something else going on? I sometime read other conversations of yours and something seems... up. I don't know what, I don't even know if I'm right.

    So clarification on that.
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