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  • I swear that said computer.

    I've heard very far. I'm going to look on Monday :D
    Mai does have to wait a while since they got kicked off the computer.

    And farther than that. :o I'm pretty sure they do ;3
    Anyhow, we haven't really talked for a while. (Though I don't think we ever really did...) What do you want to talk about?


    But it's the same person!
    Just with a different avatar...
    it doesn't matter, right? Right?


    Mai said no more sign ups }:[ I forgot to fix that...
    I have wanted some pineapple drink lately. Lucky! Pineapple is always delicious :3
    Suuuuuure you did. It might be a completely different plan that is obvious too but I'm just telling you another one. What do you think of that? Hm?
    Also by the time you get a 3DS I should have Wi-Fi :3 I'll probably get it before the end of this month, or around there :3
    Hiii :3

    Which Homestuck troll's zodiac sign do you match up with? o.o I'm Aries :3

    And I like Aradia :3
    I was actually hoping you would join and be on the other side. I have a plan :3
    Rhinestone Eyes doesn't sound cool? You could have joined the one cuz I don't think there were three more in Rhinestone Eyes, so you could've joined! (I thought Rhinestone Eyes sounded cool, it had to do with rhinestones. And eyes.)
    I see how it is, joining the gang opposite of the one I'm in. I C WHAT U DID THAR
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