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  • Rains fine as long as it doesn't come with thunder and lightning.

    I don't wear pants with deep pockets, usually the pockets are big enough to fit my phone and thats it. So far the books for next year are much better. There is even one about alchemy :D

    I know. I didn't expect anything less from you :3
    Oh. How do you switch between two DS's? Ah, okay then~

    What RP were you thinking of? I didn't get to clarify, but I meant

    GG: hi dave
    GG: how are you?
    GG: i'm doing fine right now
    GG: or so i think

    Though I'm pretty bad at it.
    Yep...at least this one doesn't seem dangerous :D

    I never bring my DS on the bus. I can usually never fit it in my purse or anything because I have books in it too. And I'm doing Battle of the Books again next year :D

    Okay! I hope this round goes well :3
    I did too...oh well, we can start a new one :D ...oh gee, more storms today. GREAT.

    Yay! I can't wait to see the result of my Thunder Punches :D
    Hi hi~

    What's your FC for Pokemon White? I can't battle for a while, but I can register you. Mine's 4040-6087-8508.
    Yup. Like a lv2 Lillipup for the low, low price of a lv100 Victini.
    But I like to breed lots of baby Zoruas and hand them out on GTSN because I'm a good person. :v
    I got Pokemon White~ 8D

    But I can't battle or anything since I don't have access to Wi-Fi at all...>:c
    Haha, our sumo bot was pretty much an RC car with a bit of plastic duct taped to the front that amazingly didn't get disqualified, even though it lost in the first round XD
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