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  • ooooooh. I have a friend coming over tomorrow. She's spending the night. But... at six might work, since she's not coming over until 6:30-7.
    I know you just got on, I looked at Who's Online. Although it's hard to read the text xD

    Anyways... I finally got done transferring and organizing. :D I can go catch another Vullaby now... when do you want to trade?
    Blade, I finished your totally random banner. Here you go~
    no, it's okay, I was just wondering if you were still able to do it. xD I sort of forgot about it myself.
    hey, um, are you still able to ref this battle between me and Byrus, or should I ask for an e-ref? :x
    ...you're online? I'm going to make you a totally random banner. With blades, of course.
    I meant the organizing part. The transferring is easy.

    But yeah, quirky should work.
    at Mewtini: yeah, I think I raped his VM page... -.-'

    Anyways... okay, I'll go catch one... when I can be half-assed too. (I'm currently in the process of transferring EVERY. SINGLE. POKéMON. to Black from Diamond. (and I was working on completing the Dex, so...) AND arranging then in numerical order like I did in Diamond.
    Maybe you need it more...

    *... What.(oh right, money.)*

    *i really need to do mine.* (you've seen them :3) ((yaay. *kisses again*))

    I decided... I won't.

    ((wasn't it about me getting the fountains from Wargle?))

    ||| YAAAAAAYY!! *hugs back* |||

    Well, I know that but why the very loud gasp?

    I know... But it seems suspicious.

    Poor Ivysaur xD It has a crazy owner.

    Y'know, we've been talking since November, I think.
    I see you've talked to Mewtwo ^^
    And I wanted to make you a random animation of a Pokemon. What Pokemon would you like me to animate? (And I can't use any of the Gen V. Sorry, I only use the PMD sprites.)
    AWWWWWWWWW *shot*

    Also, I actually do have a Vullaby, and I can go catch another one. As far as Solosis's nature... what would you recommend? I don't know it's stats yet.
    I went because, again, my boyfriend's family was going, so they took me. And I need Solosis, for my battle team. (I WANT REUINCULUS ;.;)
    I know, right? I've been in love with Zorua since the movie. I actually have a Zorua plushie that's in my bed and smells like my boyfriend's cologne (spelling of that...?) ANYWAYS... I went to the Black and White tour thingie and got the plushie. My boyfriend was there, too, and he happened to have his cologne (again, spelling...?) in the trunk of his parents car due to going hope from spending the night at his grandma's. So he sprayed the Zorua with his cologne XD bahaha
    I like Ponytas more than Golems, because horses are beast. Sorry though... :/
    Anyways... how does the disguising thing work? I haven't figured it out yet... -.-' Other than that, I'll go catch the prevo (whatever its name is) and breed it for nature/IV if I'm bothered.
    I have a shiny Ponyta, but I haven't found the cloning glitch yet. (it's not my Ponyta, so...) I also have a shiny Umbreon, but again haven't found the cloning glitch yet, and I know it's hacked because Kai told me so. (he's the one who gave it to me) and hmm... no Lv. 100 option... I'll be working pretty hard to raise the levels of my team. So far, I'm pretty sure I want Zoroark on my teak, but I have no clue what else yet. Maybe a Garchomp?
    We should battle on B/W, as soon as I've set up my B/W battle team (I'm leaving my old one on SS, and making a new one for B/W)
    Probably. Since Black and White came out, I was looking for some 5th Gen battling info (stats, etc) when I remembered about TCoD, so I came back. Surprise!
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