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  • O_O I'm never going to recover from this, ever. If there's a chance she did, then...ohh... I know she's pretty forgiving (it seems like that...), but still. I...urgh.
    ...Aww, thanks :D ...waitwaitwait. Silver saw it? }:[ You are the most forgiving person ever :) Yes, that helps. (It's a bit odd considering this is coming from someone with an avatar of Hero Mode Dave, since I don't think he would really apologize necessarily...)
    Back very far, when I said "Hi Bladey-booooooy! Lolzlolzlolz. I'm not Silver. Just being stupid,lol." I horribly regret it.
    Hey Blade, I somehow didn't notice the Homestuck avatar XD Awesome choice, by the way ^^ And, uh...sorry for before ;-; I still feel awful even though you said not to think too much of it.
    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh...I hate storms so much :( (will you send it again? I'm not getting any messages for some reason..)
    Me too.

    I wish we could switch weather so I get the snow :o Spring has sprung here and the pink flowers on the trees have grown :3 It's prettyyyy :33

    I know. I'm still decideing!
    They weren't very bad. They are starting to go away now but they will be back later :(
    Oh, you did? Sorry, I didn't reply since I thought you were offline...oops. I hate that thing >_<
    Haha. I would've replied sooner, but I got locked out by that "The server is too busy to handle your request. Please try again later" message.
    You're on a phone? I'm on a laptop. I DIDN'T KNOW THAT FIREFOX COULD BE USED ON PHONES
    Oh. I don't really know you, but Firefox is much better than IE and I don't know why she wouldn't want it on her computer. Although I use IE more so because my computer has big issues.
    P.S. If you're trying to somehow hide it, delete it from the Recycle Bin.
    Download Firefox...? It's free. Unless you like aren't allowed to get Firefox. I really don't mean for that to sound so rash.
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