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  • Everytime I go to your profile its a 500 error, no lie. It eats up my donuts(my paitence)



    *looks around* But I'm the only one who can laugh...its an island.

    What if you drop your items in the ocean? Then your SCREWED.

    Blade should look in Creepy Pokemon Shit, Silver posted a picture ^^ Zulo made a Gallade army before, Silver's Cyndaglade was in it until the thread got closed.
    Yup! I'm fully spanish! Well, fully Puerto Rican to be exact, though I was born and raised in Florida. Haha, you got it mostly right, if I'm correct all you have to do is take out "los". 83 But anywho, Feliz Día de Reyes a usted también, Blade!

    It is. :/ Some schools are just hard like that, I suppose.

    I, personally, think I've gotten worse, as the older I get the more things I'm introduced to, and I'd rather do them than homework and stuff.
    Oh, you too. :D And on January 3rd I suppose you could wish my a happy three kings day, as I'm spanish so I celebrate it.

    I heard that some people have a whole week more before they're off. So basically, the day right after school ends completely for them, Christmas'll start.

    Oh, I see. My homework could be done in the few minutes, but... I'm sort of a procrastinator, so you can imagine how that'd be for me.
    Why is it everytime I go to your profile it eats one of my donuts? }:| This makes me annoyed.


    Yes, I know. It was funny to you since you did it to yourself?

    What if he gets too tired and faints? You'll be in the middle of the ocean.

    (:]) *dragonite can't breathe underwater*
    Silver thinks its not that hard. Silver saw this on a show and it seemed to be fun to test it out. Silver thinks Blade should be smacked, for not liking the Gallade army idea.
    Ah, possibly. But like I said to one of my friends, I don't think I'll be able to be very active on those.


    It was self inflicted pain. So yes, its funny.

    Won't he get tired after a while?

    (uh...I dunno.) *points to the exploding sun* *laughs cuz I'm part rock* oh...wait.

    Ok, Silver is happy. Sliver talks this way because Silver thinks its fun. Silver wouldn't do that to Blade, but if Blade had a GPX+, HE COULD HAVE A GALLADE ARMY.


    Ha! You smacked yourself.

    It's the ocean!! The never-ending ocean!!

    (can you tell about Liza?) *uses dive and hides underwater*

    Silver did not know this. You cannot blame Silver for her mistakes if she doesn't know. What? You don't like those sites?


    Well, I have about two.

    *notices we're on an island* uh...*waves*

    (couldn't you tell?) *becomes a turtle*

    ...it's the weekend! You have time! You can take it up with him on GTS+ or GPX+, his current habitat.


    Um...I have a Laitias and a Dragonair. I think that's it...

    *sees a cliff where Blade is running to* ... *waves* (they are games though)

    (...it is japanese.) *eats tiner pieces of candy cane*

    ...}:| No, he said, quote, 'Gallade is mien.' Which means you can't have it xD (it is his favorite though)


    *gives Dragonite a donut* I think he likes me ^^

    *hides behine a turtle shell* (name all the non-main series games)


    Good ^^ I came into contact with Zulo! (he told me that Gallade is his) xD


    ...I wonder how they came up with Tepig.

    HAHA MEL! *turns Dragonite into Magikarp* There, now can I have another candy?

    Yea! I thought so! (...name all the health drinks in the game)

    (not that different.) *see's a dancing cany cane in the explosion* o.o

    I looked on a site and that is also Blade.


    ...Maybe that's how they came up with the idea?

    HE STOLE MY CANDY! ...WAIT YOU GAVE HIM MY CANDY!! *throws Mel Gibson at Blade* xD

    ...-_- I will get my Clone Charmander to attack you for that you corrupted minded boy!! (How about you name all the stones.)

    I can never think of names, why do you think I repeat Liza? (The thing is though, I want their names to be different. Most people won't know where I got the name from anyway.) (*looks at pretty explosion*)

    It's hard for me to make up my mind, kupo. But you only liked it after a while,kupo?

    ...}:/ Mine starts on Tuesday. Lucky }:\


    ...*wait* I think I lost my train of thought on that one and lost one of the words.

    I think its katana cuz I alwatys hear that one.

    NOOO!! *tackles Dragonite*

    ...I'm watching you. '-' (I'M NOT GOOD WITH PUNS)

    I don't know...cuz my mind has no creativity when it comes to names. Nyra is the only one I just thought of. (Why would you name your children-to-be after FOB people?) (I can tell ^^)

    You change your mind fast, kupo.

    Your winter break has started already? ...}:/


    Go Flamme! Go Makka! Flamme seems to have to thought behind it. }:/

    ...did you ever find it?

    ...YOU FELL FOR IT DIDN'T YOU!! *throws Rare Candy* ...WAIT! MY CANDY!!!

    Hehe! ^^ (*GULPINS* I was hungry for something to gulpin on. Like that...?)

    I said that before!! You've said that multiple times xD

    I thought you thought it was annoying, kupo.


    I forgot to look ^^' I'll go look in...maybe 20 minutes! I named a Charmander Makka! :D *Makka means red in japanese* Well its PUROTOGHA AND ABAGOORA!! }:D

    *points to above*

    NO, YOU SHOULDN'T RUUUNN!!! *hehehe yes you should*

    ...}:/ (NO PUNS FOR YOU! *shot*)

    Cuz I used them cuz I liked the names. I just need to color him, and he's done! :D I haven't gotten around to it.

    ...but Cloud made it. ;-; You're so cruel to the Moogles! }:\
    Silver told me just a few minutes ago. Apparently, mods have been deleteing certain threads/posts, especially the ones they feel are quite pointless. For example, mainly the Forum Games thread.

    I'm actually a bit pissed about this, but not too much, since postcount isn't exactly something I care about. Al I really care about is having a Butterfree rank because I don't exactly like Metapod. :/



    ...Silver can go look.

    MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!! *eats Rare Candy* Silver's level went up by 1! Silver used I'M A GOOFY GOOBER YEA! It's super effective!

    I'll go with compliment! ^-^

    ...no. I had some of the names from before! Liza from an anime, and Leon from FF. Anju from 'Chibi Vampire' Manga! So ha.

    Do you think it should have an Umbreon tail on it, kupo?
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