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  • ...I -I'm speechless. I just can't...think of how that would look.


    *snickers* I can just turn you back into a Magikarp! But watch this! *throws out a Zebruakia* Mental Note: Silver doesn't play fair... }:]

    Yes, everything is a lie. but cheesecake is still good. (...*shotshotshot*)

    Whoo! Now you have to calculate things!

    Our school is different then.

    They look like people arms, but they have the things that come from Gallade's arms, NOT SWORDS THAT ARE POINTY. Cuz Silver won't draw pointy things.
    ...I just realized his arms are shortish.

    Well, dang. Couldn't they just make an acronym? Like IDGAF? *no offence to Blade*
    ...you bought it for him? ...does he, like, wear it and stuff?


    But Magikarp looks nothing like Gyarados... Mental Note: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHAHA...ahem.

    And nahcos and cheesecake. Cheesecake makes no sense...it's not made from cheese.

    Ooh. Maybe it's a good thing I don't do ASB.

    All my friends that do go are either in band or chorus. Then they get to go out somewhere and eat with that whole group, so :P

    I did his arms like a Gallade's, that's how you meant them right?

    ...I wound up not going cuz I wasn't feeling good. *curse you sickness, I'll turn you into a magikarp!*
    Ooh. But our teacher really does have an elmo shirt. He brought it the other day.


    ...you evolved into a Magikarp?! Mental Note: What the hell just happened?!

    And doile. That's odd too.

    ...? *confuzed*

    Usually my mom works when they come around though. I do want to go to them but, eh.

    Yep! The things coming out of his chest and back look odd, though.
    ...now that's just sad. We have a teacher who always talks about his son, and he said he has an elmo shirt. Not for his son...for him.


    *shoots at Blade's moving figure* ... *cackles evilly*

    There could be other funny english words. Like bangers and mash and bulloks and wankers.

    People need to not be so active on here! Or the forums should be able to handle the capacity of members right?

    I've never been to one of our chorus concerts.

    I start drawing at the feet then go up. :D I'm odd cuz I do that.
    Our science class is the most fun, some of the students make fun of her cuz she's so...fat, to put it bluntly.


    I can understand Magikarp talk! *aims magic Magikarp gun at Blade*

    XD Longpig I heard on TV, it means human flesh :D

    ...wait. I was tlking about that RP thing.

    Wow, you seem very happy about it. XD

    Did you know Leon's head is really hard to draw?
    :D My teachers are annoying though.


    *laughs evily* But the people I've asked always liked being Magikarps! Mental Note: Don't tell him you can zap him into a Magikarp from a distance, this will help...

    ...dipthong? Mine for a while for longpig.

    Did ya look, did ya look?!

    Did it go well? :D
    ...HA. It worked good last year. ^^


    *yells to Blade* Did you ever wonder what it's like to be a Magikarp?!

    XD It's turned into my new word of the week.

    (...um. The European form of a car :D? I accidentaly hit the wrong button xD)

    Did they do 'Let's start a riot, a riot. Let's start a riot...'? I may be wrong...and I mix them up with 3 Days Grace.

    Nope! :D *if you want to see a very odd RP, look for 'Pokemon Warriors [CAN GET VIOLENT] It was truly odd, no joke.
    My plan is that at the beginning of the year, I'm nice to the teachers and try not to get in trouble, then towards the middle of the year if I get in trouble, they won't punish me as bad. :D


    *laughs evilly on the inside* Did you know Silver can use magic...? Mental Note: Don't tell him you can turn him into a Magikarp.

    ...well then. Well, dumkopuff means dummy in german. You wouldn't believe the Simpsons could make me learn German xD

    Yes, yes it is.

    (HOLY SHI- *sees a European gar and falls*)

    I may keep it for a while! :D
    Yeah, unless my language arts teacher keeps on hating me.


    That's cuz you said that was your only favorite song. Mental Note: Remember that markers must be his weakness. When he's not looking attack him with one.

    That'll be the second word I know in German. The first it dumkopuff. Do you know what it means? *snicker*

    I watched a movie the other day and it was the song by them that went like: "one, 21 guns"

    (wait...what? uh, they go to Hawaii next year and Europe this year? If Europe comes here we're all screwed.)

    Also, goodnight Blade! *must wake up tomorrow and turn off invisible mode...maybe*
    ...but I'm at the middle school, I don't know how the high school works.


    Mental Note: The threat is still there. ...did I? *she asks innocently*

    I wish I could get it as a starter. I have a Riolu and a Skitty as my team in Sky. W00t Go Riolu!!

    XD I also forgot to mention I want a Green Day CD too.

    (Yes, and next year, they are going to Europe. Or it may be the other way around.)
    ...I am glad I don't go to your school.


    Only try? Why not trust trust? You're the second person who said that to me today. Mental Note: Search Blade for any foam weapons.

    Yes, and a Kirlia. I thought you could get it in both? I have Darkness and Sky.

    *Dun-dundun-dun* :D I like when they do the Christmas music.

    If I was sleep typing it would look like this: heuain diqnffpahey hayu

    (4 hours...? Well, I'm glad I didn't do band, but they get to go to Hawaii this year sometime.)
    ...how many times can you losr the sticker?


    *smiles evilly then yells to Blade* I said might! Not that I would! Mental Note: Maybe.

    You're welcome! :D In my Mystery Dungeon game I'm attempting to get a ralts.

    I've never seen them, except on TV I think.

    I would wind up losing it.


    ...maybe I would have. Mental Note: Don't make devious plans so obvious.

    It may take a while for me to upload him, not sure. I drew a Gallade splice for my brother one time for something.

    ...Whoo!! Christmas music!

    And now you're awake!
    o.o I would have detention everyday almost.


    I do understand now! :D

    ...HA TRICK QUEST- ...Oh wait...*pats Blade on head* You made a good choice. :D

    :D Yep! He will be fun to draw, his arms would be hardest, I'm doing it for ArtMo too. :D
    ...that sucks, I would wind up forgetting it.


    Ok, that makes better sense, you had confused me before.

    ...:| I'm going to ask a question: Have you heard Yellow Submarine?? *waits for Bade's answer*

    I should have told you about that shouldn't I? Also, I'm going to draw Leon from Awakening, so be waiting for him. :D
    ...we just need planners, they act as hall passes if we go to the library or office or so.


    I know, I accidentally stepped on it and got in trouble. -_- They say we won't be good drivers when we grow up. One Question: How are you 13 (almost 14) and in high school? I'm 13 and in the 7th grade...

    There was so many people we took two seperate buses, we usually have at least 2 buses on a field trip.

    ...}:0 *smacks Blade on the head* You haven't heard all their songs have you?! (Silver can get violent, she has kicked people in the chest and other places before)
    We don't really care, one girl flipped off the hidden camera. So far she hasn't got in trouble, so I don't believe they really are there.


    The superintendent made the teachers put yellow tape on the floor so we stay on the right side of the hall. They believe us to be stupid, sometimes I think I act older then I seem to be.

    The boy's bus went to Wendy's, they said te bus was very smelly cuz of the chili beans the boy ate. I'm glad we weren't on that bus.

    The one I like is called 19-2000 I believe, or something with 19 in it. My favorite song of them is Feel Good Inc. my mom hs the live queen concert, I like their songs too, and I don't have to worry about getting Beatles CD's as my mom buys them all the time.
    It was funny cuz our teacher did that to a kid today. There are hidden cameras in every room supposedly.


    That's odd for high schoolers. Insted of saying worksheets before our teacher said 'workshits' and we busted out laughing.

    Yeah, they even forwarded a picture of the really big guy in our school and said he ate a triple bacon cheeseburger, fries, chili beans, and a milkshake. And he ate it all.

    The Gorillaz are a weird group of 2-D characters singing. I want CD's for...Linkin Park, 3Oh!3, Paramore, Eminem, P!nk, Ke$ha, O.A.R, FOB, All American Rejects, Avenged 7fold, and Gorillaz. I have a long list. xD Maybe if you heard one of the Gorillaz songs, you would like them. Go to youtube and look up Clint Eastwood Gorillaz, if you want to hear one of their songs. :D Mini Moonwalker likes the Gorillaz too. :D
    Well, Oceanic and I (along with Silver, maybe) will be discussing the plot. I brainstormed during my free time in school,l anyway.
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