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  • I hate when they do that...have you ever seen a teacher sit on a student?


    Some people in our school are innocent, as in they don't cuss and don't understand what we talk about.

    It was alright. The most fun parts were at McDonald's and on the bus. The teacher on the boy's bus said she would smack the one kid's butt...it was funny because my friend forwarded that from someone on the boy's bus. I got to bring my phone, almost everyone did on both buses.

    I could do that. I do want a CD from Linkin Park and The Gorillaz. The Gorillaz are an awesome band, they have a song called Superfast Jellyfish. xD
    The teachers too nosy. We do that in our science class. We can have them out on the desk and our teacher wouldn't know. I've done it before, and never got caught. :D


    Is that the part where the guy was yelling at the teacher? I'm in 7th grade, so we can't cuss in class or anything...but you should know we all do.

    I decided not to. When we went to McDonald's I have a carmel mocca frappe, fries, 2 snackwraps, and an ice cream sundae. :D My friend took the peanuts for it and said she would go up to this one boy with them and ask if he lost anything. xD It was fun on that field trip.

    Well, I already know my brother-in-law or my sister will get me Black or White, so that's out. I do want Mario Kart for my DS though, it's a fun game.
    I was talking to my friend and did it and the teacher got mad at me for no reason ;-;


    I do too, just not here, and around my mom and sister, it depends on what mood I'm in if I cuss at the moment. Some guy had cussed in class, out loud, where everyone could hear, but not our teacher. It was pretty funny.

    ...I have small pockets, but I do need to bring my wallet tomorrow...

    Ooh, I thought you had just found out xD I want to get something for my birthday...I don't know what though. It depends on what comes out between now and then.
    The teacher got mad at me before too. D:

    ...Oh dear.

    That is so not right. If she didn't want to go with you in the first place, that bitch shouldn't have said yes. (oh no! Silver has cussed :o, shocking, isn't it?)

    I usually hide it in my purse, but my teacher told us to leave our stuff at home.

    ...you just found out and didn't know? I turn 14 in 5 months and 20 days! ...your birthday is closer! }:|
    I'm discussing the collab with Silver, but I'd need your confirmation for Silver to be officially in.
    Maybe we should create a collab account? It would make multiple things easier, and we could all share it. We would be able to edit the post, fix typos, and a few other things. Of course, we'd need permission from Bachuru or Opal.
    I tend to do that, then people get mad at me. D:

    I sometimes forget about it. Eh.

    Well...how did it go?!

    I'm going to try, maybe. Don't know yet, I might not risk it, we can only bring phones.
    XD Don't get so deffensive xD I just thought you would know.

    XD I go on mine, at least once everyday.

    The same dance you had PM'd me about, or a different dance?

    But it's a 2 hour play. Last year we went to the high school, we got to walk there...not so fun. We get to stay out of school all day! :D I think I should take my DS, McDonald's has free Wi-Fi.
    I think he's like 26 or so. (wikipedia.) Do I seem like a fangirl? I just really like the band, that's all.

    I was inactive for too long. XD

    I have quite a bit, and I'm trying to be more social at school. I went to a dance this weekend.

    Lucky. We never have trips like that. *Grumblegrumble*
    It's hard to tell how old he really is...unless you know it.

    ...how did you get locked out of it?

    True, I have talked alot on here...400+ messages with Sky, 217 with you, and about 100+ with most others. xD

    D: We get out of electives too. But we're going to a 2 hour play. 2 Hours. [/I] Then to McDonald's or Wendy's.
    Yes, I guess it's cuz he got older or so.

    ooh! I can look on Facebook for it! :D

    Really? I think of myself being very shy...I'm glad someone thinks I'm not! :D
    ...Is it really rthat unbelieveable?

    I'm going to be on all day tomorrow morning! Field Trip with cell phones! :D
    Oh no! I listened to fake music! [/sarcasm]

    Our opinions differ. If I get an Ipod, I could get it...*plots evilly*
    Yup! I'll possibly save my 1,000th post for Christmas~

    Psh, no, I can't. I can dance okay, but nothing comapred to almost anyone, really. My mom wants me to take dancing lessons, though. (ah, I could never dance at a party. I'd be so embarassed! (what? about the link? I just stared at it. I'm not doing that.)

    Ah, I see. Seems quite nice! I might get it.

    Oh, I see. Well I hope nothing too bad happens because of that.
    When you get one, maybe you should check out my BootMii and HackMii guide in 'Homebrew Enthusiasts'. I can help you.
    When you get one, don't update for whatever reason. I have fixes that you would need, as well.
    Ah, no problem.

    I'm in a tight situation with my Wii. It's softmodded, and Nintendo made a new update. Can't update with probably breaking the Wii. I have a solution that works, but I can't get it to work. DX
    Hey, Blade. Mind telling me what my Pokemon is for New Liberty? I didn't get a PM or anything, even though I was accepted.
    Yup! Michael Jackson: The Experience for Wii and the Nintendo DS. I'm getting both versions for Christmas. Although, as much as I love Michael Jackson with all my heart, I'm not looking forward to doing this with anybody. D:

    Ah, I don't have iTunes. Heard it's nice, though.

    Gosh, that must have been horrible seeing that. D: But I'm still glad you had a good time.
    Oh snap I just saw that D:!!! I dunno, there's no take away cookies button...when you click on the banner, it takes you to a page that offers you to give the person one cookie xD I think the site is glitching up or something. YAY for having -996 cookies :D?
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