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  • Um...a shieldon or bastiodon :D?

    EDIT: Oh! I really need a level 1 porygon nicknamed Zeka if you have one that you could nickname :D??
    Well, I've been having quite a bit of trouble finding a female combee. you wouldn't happen to have one that you don't need, do you? Or a vespiqueen works, too xD
    Hmm...I suppose if you want to ^^ What do you want? And OHMYGOSH that was such a close battle xD...I definitely wanna battle again sometime, if you want. Be honest, am I terrible? Will I even stand a chance against Sonic Nintendo? =)
    Maybe they heard me yelling...they are moving awfully slow though.

    We were in 3rd place last year. It was more fun after the fact that we got 3rd. We ate pizza, drank soda, (this was in our library) and our group was dancing and everything. (not me though) The other groups were just sitting there like, "...?" xD

    Ok, I'll Pm you.

    I didn't make my avatar, I found it on a site. They're sleeping next to a present! :D

    I have two, but they only play CD's that it likes. And my sister put Hanna Montana on it, so now it ruined. DX

    200 vm's! :D
    *calls to Blade* I don't think they've seen you yet...

    no, it does not stand for that. It stands for Battle Of the Books, hence, B.O.B. I participate in it.

    Uh, yes I would do that. This made me remember something, are you, good with personal problems?

    Yes, that's what I'm drawing at the moment! :D It's for ArtMo.

    Ah, I want an Ipod, but all I have is a crappy little MP3 player.
    I think they're down there. *points in opposite direction*

    It's a club at our school, and they go around selling candy too. Do you know what B.O.B is?

    XD!! It would be funny if you did.

    Have you ever seen an Umbreon and Espeon in a santa hat? I'll have to look for that sprite.

    When will you get one? *yay*
    True, pokemon aren't stupid.

    ...*facepalm* I knew I should have joined it.

    *whisper* if you dance with one of your guy friends, send me a video! xD

    I think I'll draw a Gallade for ArtMo...
    Okay. I won't have legendaries or duplicates xD Pretty much an in-game team with competitive movesets lolz. My code is 2322 1754 8776. In-game name is Jesse, though it honestly doesn't matter what name you register it with, it'll still work XD I'll have my mic off this battle cuz I'm listening to mixed/reversed/edited Lavender Town music XP
    Well, I'm available from now to 10-ish too, soo that works out XD
    What's your code/rules that you want in the battle/mic turned on or off?
    The reason is that I rarely touch that section of the challenge board, so it is typically out of date.
    You never know what could happen! :D

    What is it about? o.o

    you're welcome! ^-^
    Whoo, go confusion among the group xD

    We have a Lego Robotics club, but I don't know what the groups about.

    I can try. I am always getting told peoples problems for some reason.
    I posted in it! WOOt

    I have 9 pictures already planned out for ArtMo. Actually, 11, two of them are Liza from Pokemorph Hunters(by the way, in the RP, she now has a gun), and a Moogle! :D
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