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  • Wow. They signed up fast too! I have to tell you tomorrow, sleep now!

    Now to find my copy of Red...I don't know where it is, and I had a level 100 Charizard on it! That was my first game, along with the GBC.
    I may be able to, but I wouldn't be able to get it to you until tomorrow at least. It should be fairly easy though! :D
    Really...? But thanks! I got bored and plucked fire types from DPPt and B/W. I like the monkey one in the front! =3
    In my album that I updated today, it's not as rectangular as the banners Mawile's, sorta in the shape of a square! *It's next to the ice cream Pokemon*
    Alright! I made a new banner it is in my newish album! I think it looks awesome :D
    I even went up to the little radio and it showed the artist and song name. I told my mom part of the lyrics and now she wants to hear it! xD

    1. Wow, and you want to add another to the collection? I would rather have an IPod, bring it on the bus and listen to music, and have all my favorite songs stored on it :D
    2. I like that song to...:D
    3. I thought that was only for the full moon?
    4. I noticed xD

    Yes I have, but I don't think I've heard any of their songs, can't remember.

    Ok, time to sign up!
    Yule Shoot Your Eye Out xD

    1. I don't have one ;-; My mom won't buy it, and I don't get an allowence.
    2. As of right right now, the one listed above ^
    3. I don't know...0-0
    4. I do believe you said there was two questions...o.o
    Sure! That sounds good!

    Yesterday I walked into the RadioShack where my sister works and you won"t believe what song came on!
    [Talking Style=Sarcasm]Oh, nope! I don't like Michael Jackson one bit! What made you think that I would like such a disgrace to music like him? >:U[/Sarcasm]

    Oh my God I love it. <333 Thank you so much Blade! It's very awesome, and totally made my day! :D

    Thank you! Aside from my animated KumasY/Hun avatar, this is definetly my favorite avatar I've had so far. <3
    Yeah, that would probably be a good idea.

    I was kind of thinkingsomething along the lines of 'Liberty'. What do you think?
    Oh yes, I have to go run away from there...before I burn >.<

    Ok~ Did you figure out a title yet?
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