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  • XD
    I had scrolled down, and somehow, I saw Lady GaGa's 'Alehandro' o.o That was odd. xD
    I do not like her, she has made annoying songs. xD
    0-0 Well, you did the Creepypasta contest.

    ...Nope! It went like this:
    I caught the marshmellow on fire. My sister told me to blow the flame out and instead of blowing on it I slung it up and down. As in I almost hit my cousin with it. My uncle said they should have made it into a youtube video on what not to do with flaming marshmellows. (Why would I scream at a flaming marshmellow?)

    Alright! whoo new RP! (possibly)
    I think I actually got caught up in that stuff and wrote a creepypasta story.

    Let me guess. It went like this: FWOOOSH. or you possibly held the marshmallow over the fire until it caught fire, and then dropped it in and ran away screaming.

    I'm going to PM you an idea I had for an RP. MAybe you could help me with it, or something.
    Yes, then some of it got a little silly. But still, it was pretty creepy.

    No, in the RP, I haven't been around fire today. xD (When I went to my aunt's house, I had never roasted a marshmellow on a fire, so you can imagine how that went. XD)
    That sucks, I have officialy decided, I will not own a bookstore. Never.

    I only have HG, for some reason after I browsed the 'Creepy Pokemon Stuff(edited the word)' as a guest I decided not to buy any games off the internet. I read it at a not smart time, around 3am, and I haven't picked up my DS today. xD

    My hair got caught on fire. Though, I have to wait for Cherry to post again. If you have an idea, PM it to me, there are so many nosy people(xD), and I could help if ya want. I can't really think of any plots right now.
    Hai thar. That's very wrong, I would not work.

    Yep! I will then have a laptop and Wi-Fi, :D
    What game are you battling him with, because you said you restarted HG. Good luck with that! (Do you know what his team is?)

    I'm waiting for someone else to post on the Trump Card side so I can post, not too good with first post introductions.

    You missed some stuff in River/Oceanic and my RP, I am being attacked! =0

    I want one too. I can finally keep track of my music. I would love to preorder it, my brother-in-law had actually preordered HG for me. I didn't even know until he took me to Game Stop and says, 'Here's you're birthday present.' and buys it :D

    At least you'll be able to do things tomorrow, other then standing behind a counter, selling books. :3

    Goodnight! It also turns out I'll be getting my Wi-Fi in February! (kupo!)
    Yes, you can never expect the same thing from me xD

    I love Christmas break too! My mom told me I have the choice of one game, and some other stuff for Christmas. I already know what I want, Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, I want the Ukelele Pichu! It's so cute. Christmas allows bring around the holiday spirit!

    Ambipom has gone up a few levels, and I caught a Dragonair. I need to just go through the E4 about 20 times and I'll have high level pokemon. Or I can go fight Red again. Cloud wasn't able to fight SonicNintendo today because he never came on.
    It's tomorrow, so I will now stop saying kupo. But, I shall keep the usertitle. :D Moogle is sorta like Muggle, and I keep having to go back to what I type to put it in xD.

    It does sorta get annoying, so I shall stop now...saying kupo.
    Yes, and Moogle's say kupo, kupo. i think i may stop tomorrow, i got cloud to do it too, kupo! I have recruited another Moogle follower =3 Look in moon-panther's new RP to find what a Moogle is, if you want to know what it is, kupo. I've done it all day xD
    ah, I don't believe I could do that, screw owning a book store, kupo! xD!
    Kupo, is what a Moogle says, kupo. I have turned into a Moogle, kupo. *A Moogle is from Final Fantasy games, and Kingdom Hearts*
    It's always nice to find people to relate too! :3

    For some reason, I never know why, I always wind up with those three special attacks. I always though I should change them, but for some reason I like that move set. Go figure xD

    Goodnight! Well, good luck tomorrow!
    Yes :3

    I always wind up naming my character Liza, see a connection? But I sometimes name my character after me, Aubrey. It seems most of my friends in school don't like pokemon. Blade and Silver...I'm evil now. :3

    Ok, I shall go look!
    We had pumpkin too. I always love it! :D

    For some reason I always name my rival Sam. I think it's because I watch a show where the person's brothers name is Sam and he's kinda evil...hm...don't know. I also posted a thread in the Competative Battling forum.
    Yeah, I think it would be too, read the books whenever you want! :D

    Can't say that I have, well, I have now, but yeah haven't heard it before.

    I offically hate Manectric now D:{
    Ah, that sucks. My mom doesn't have to work until 2:30pm. Go figure. I wish I owned a bookstore...except not on Black Friday. xD
    We're having pretty much the same thing except my mom is making sweet potatoes with marshmellows on top. :3 She makes it with brown sugar.
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