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  • ...I did not know that. xD
    Also on an unrelated note: My mother cannot figure out how to hook up a DVD player. xD My mother is hopeless.
    Yea, but I'm fine with it now that I realize I have more to do than I thought.
    If I waited that long for a conversation I would completely forget what we were talking about. I don't have a good memory at times.
    I finished the one for Trump Card spot, but I hadn't gotten the chance to do the other one. (sorry this is so late, darn notification didn't tell me I had one) But, its alright, it doesn't really matter. So now I just have one character. *Darn you Chief Zackri!*
    ;-; I got bumped from my leader spot in Titress' RP...I didn't even have a day to do it...;-;
    Ha, wish I could've seen that. Last year they gave us the choice on what we played. Kickball won all the time, it was fun though. But, our spanish teacher kept changing the music, from Eletric Slide to Chacha then to Macarana. My school has on odd group of teachers. Our principal even danced this time.
    It's always nice to go to a dance with someone! :3
    We had a 'fun day' thing today where they played music in the gym and we danced and stuff. (not like one-one, but in a group) We did the 'Macharana'! :D
    You really do seem to be a very happy boy xD
    Is the dance you're going to like a 'just for friends' or a little of both ones? ('boyfriend/girlfriend dance')
    Yes, Titress also put on mine possible founder. huh...I don't know, maybe, maybe not, but on the Dark Legion he put the order you reserved it. *shrug*
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