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S. E.
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  • I just did, since you really wanted me to. Well, not the whole thing, just the descriptions of each royal knight.
    And now its your turn to read about something you dont know about nor do you care.
    Taht looks like someone forcefully bred a bidoof, pikachu, and dragonite using hacks, then turned of the power while it was saving XD
    That seems like the digimon version of arceus. I wonder of theres a digimon ripoff of pikachu? I'd like to see that.
    ;_; why does everyone make fun of me for it? It is not scary! sonic is awesome! Sonic would pwn the most powerul dm's a**!!
    It wasn't an insult. If I wanted to insult you I would have said "digimon is so stupid. Kirby freaking pwns it."
    That's why Duftmon>Dynasmon~ Duftmon has wings. I like stuff with wings. Though Dynasmon..

    but really, Duftmon> Dynasmon imo :3
    Both are epic. The end. >:3

    Yeah. I just disproved myself. >w<

    I'll find a Monodramon and start from that, since I can. It'll take longer, but yeaaaaah.

    Well. Um. What am I doing now? :DDD

    Gallantmon's cool, but I both like the design of Megidramon and he is apparently a destroyer god thing, and named after 'Meggido', the place where the world is supposed to end. How fucken cool is that?

    Silphymon is technically a bird thing person, so thar >:3 Wait, that proves nothing DDD:

    So so so I'll be trying to get a ShineGreymon Burst/Ruin mode post-game, buuut I don't think I can get a Gallantmon or Imperialdramon Fighter Mode. So Ruin Mode it is, though finding/making/getting a Darkdramon will be a pain~ :3

    haaa my pointless rant was longer
    N-no no no, I like having my userpage be really long :o It makes me feel important and self confident *shot*

    I remember the parts in my last file with uh.. Gallantmon that were very painful, yeah. 'Though Gallantmon's better, I think Megidramon's moar epic >:/ [/failresponse]

    The only way to get an equally long response out of Dragon is to RP with her. >w<
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