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S. E.
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  • Yes. ;~;

    But on the internet it's okay, since you can find other people for anything.

    Apparently you can search for people who have sex with goats that are on fire, and Google will ask you what breed of goat.

    Yeah but I don't have any friends *shot*

    Whenever I go to a friend's house and go on their computer, they're there with me, of course, so them reading me post 'HEY SE I FINISHED YOUR SPRITE REQUEST' or something is weird :o And how would I ref in ASB, aaarrrgh

    Also none of my friends like Pokemon anymore and the ones that do aren't my friends anymore everyone's a lying bastard >:/

    Though we will get internet again, though it'll be slower and will suck. Hopefully my dad'll cancel our Bell and sign up with Rogers, ahahahahaha- *shot*
    aaaarrgh I can't watch Youtube videos because otherwise our internet will overload and I won't be able to come back on and then that'll suck because we'll have to wait for next month and then our internet will be cancelled and I won't be able to log on at all and you won't see me for a while and you won't see me anyways after September 22 so that sucks.

    aaaarrgh I can't watch Youtube videos because otherwise our internet will overload and I won't be able to come back on and then that'll suck because we'll have to wait for next month and then our internet will be cancelled and I won't be able to log on at all and you won't see me for a while and you won't see me anyways after September 22 so that sucks.


    The more the merrier, and the more people who'll flip out and wonder what the hell's going on~
    As of now I'm just doing them for friends, so when I've finished the one's I need to do I'll get onto it.
    I was actually considering asking someone where they got those chibi avatars, and then getting one myself. In any case, my answer is yes.
    Because eventhough I am a sonicaholic, the word sonicaholic just sounds lame :/ whats so random about it?
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