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S. E.
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  • Alright, I'll try to remember and work on it :o

    Examon because Examon is a fucking dragon thing that DNAs from two epic dragon things. And obviously Dragon likes dragons.

    Unless she's RPing, cos then she is a dragon. [/offtopic] FUCK YEAH WINGDRAMON *shot*

    I'll write down that I should start that soon. >_>
    Lesseeeeeeee.... *obviously* UlforceVeedramon, Examon, Magnamon, OR Duftmon.

    You choose :o And don't expect it within the month. Seriously.

    Well, I don't have to patience to draw individual frames. Even just two, to be copy-flipped though it would be four :<

    Otherwise we would've had an epic caramelldansen of everyone I like here :D Though I'm too lazy, again..

    I could try! Though it'll cost you five dollars plus shipping *shot*

    Pfft, no. I was just saying you could probably find someone. Sooner or later.


    Though you could probably ask someone to draw cute Royal Knights.

    I searched for 'ridiculously cute Digimon' on Google, and what do I get?

    Ascended! Even better, you can be a Promoted Fanboy, though Ascended is cooler sounding.

    I will steal your suggestion, *which is rather redundant but bleh* and uh, try that out! Somewhere in some story! Yes!
    DIGIMON FANFIC WHAAAAT I could never do that you must be some serious fangirl. Or fanboy.


    Yeah, you're better at writing than me, probably. Before I joined *here* I could barely write anything outside of two personalities >_>

    Now I can only write as people I know, but being here's helped. That's why the RP section's.. pit of vole-ness pisses me off. [/SUDDENofftopic]
    ..Aaaaand it seems the RP board has gone to pot. We now have our own TCoD pit of voles.

    Then you're bettar than me? >wo

    Usually I compare my characters to other characters instead of tropes, and I guess that works too. If a character's too similar to another character, he/she gets burnt in.. a lake of fire :V

    Or you can just search for characters in the pit of voles; if you find your character there, burn your story.
    What? That's the complete opposite of what I do; I go on TV Tropes to see if any cliques are.. particularly fail and present.

    Though that might be why all my stuff sucks. :P
    Shining Eevee's attack dropped!

    Dragon used TV TROPES! It's questionably effective!

    also i'm calling you super effective from now on as well as SE and Shining so thar
    Also to quote the Pokemon page:

    # Stop Having Fun Guys: Some competitive players mock people who play with their favorite monsters and insist that the series isn't for kids.
    Then don't cos you'll end up spending a few hours there. Guess where I am right now. ;~;

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