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S. E.
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  • Yeah, that's what I did. :o

    Need moar RPs/why don't you go sign up for my RP *shot*
    I used to subscribe to stuff, but got pissed off at all the alerts I got and stopped.

    Well, it wouldn't hurt to subscribe to one discussion.. >:3
    Or I can just configure the profile privacy settings in the user control panel and set it to "Contacts Only" for VMs. But I don't mind people reading them; it's embarrassing yet flattering. =P

    Too bad for me; I feel isolated from everybody else all the time. :( (Voices in my head, 'nuff said).

    Meh. =P I might open up a shop later; it would be good practice to learn how to deal with customers (it's too bad the McDonalds in my area stopped hiring people for now. D:)
    Wow, that makes it four convo-stalker I met. >.< But whatever.
    And you don't have to apologize for him, he already did so. Besides, most people I met find human-to-animal relationships disturbing. I would talk to you about it, but I barely know you; I would like to get to know people first before going into the opinionated stuff.

    First thing you should know about me, I'm a phrickin' (intentional spelling) drama queen, so expect a lot of drama from me! XP Also, I should apologize for leaving all of a sudden as well as removing stuff from my profile to make it seem like I left for good. But, like I said in my "lab" report, I was depressed and paranoid at the moment, and while I'm in that state I do... stuff.

    And thanks for the comment. It was the first picture I worked on in Photoshop. I wuv the Buizzies. O3O~<3 <3

    And as for the shop, I never considered about opening one up. That's either because I don't feel like it or I'm lazy. =P
    Its a meta knight plushie =3
    Wuuuuut DDDD:

    I'll go see if I can talk some sense into him. *cracks knuckles*

    Later, after I go spend some ASB money. *runs awaaaaaay*
    But this way you can start a conversation :DD

    And I get mentioned :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
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