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S. E.
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  • Yeah but the border- Oh look, it's back. I'll go set it up with a passport, and it'll be on its way~

    Though I'll have to change it's Pokemon designs. Look for Digimon designs, namely Halsemon and Tylomon~
    No no don't go out yet a helicopter'll take a while to get from Toronto into the US, let alone cross the border :<

    Oh shit I forgot to give the pilot hologram a passport
    Buuuut you're female and don't wear goggles*shot*

    If you see an epic helicopter with random, moving Pokemon designs on the side, wave it down and yell that you're SE, then~ :3 And we're going to CITY~

    It does I've been to the Digital World :<

    I'm sorry for not taking you with meeeeee *runs off*
    Alright, I'll meet you here in Toronto :o (Though I don't see how you can get from Toronto to Vancouver if you're on a boat, unless I'm missing some large river)

    Then we will go to Vancouver and.. sing 'I'm on a Boat' :DDDD
    Might as well be Vancouver, since I live in Toronto as well~ Unless you want to jump off the CN Tower, or I should show you around..?

    We could watch the Olympics :o
    That made me go wuuuut

    But that'd be funny to see a plane with HALSEMON on it pass by your house~ I would try and epically fail to throw rocks at it.
    Mmmwell, fair enough.

    On a completely unrelated note, I started a new game on Dawn just 'cause. :o It made me saaaaad when I learned there was no Halsemon in Dusk/Dawn. I went NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
    I'd quote a bit for you, but I have to leave soon, so to summarize, a bunch of new people joined and it EXPLODED lol wut, and theeen godmodingtimejumpinglocationjumpingweatherchangingcharactercontrollingspamillogicalfailsaaand well.

    I haven't seen Skymin post anywhere for a while, so. Either that or we're godmodingtimejumpinglocationjumpingweatherchangingcharactercontrollingspamillogicalfailsaaand well.
    I WILL


    Also, in the RP board, have you seen what happened to As Darkness Falls? I've lost a lot of faith in new RPers. Sooo much.

    Heeey I have an idea for an RP which may or may not bring people back :o

    Oh oh I should make a banner for the game, so everyone can lose >:3
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