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S. E.
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  • AN OMEN Maybe.. *pokes PM is about to send, for possible spoilerific purposes*
    Have you ever heard of Kirby Warrior RPG? IT IS AWESOME. Its like a pmd style kirby rpg with mario style battling.
    Arioght~ Now that I have something to think about, I can probably contribute a bit.

    Sounds good, but have I mentioned that I suck at leading people? DDD: I'd try, though.

    So for RiTD I'm thinking of giving up Vai and Valkyrie for a Gatomon and Hawkmon, 'cause. Then we can do an extremely epic Digimon arc :o
    Alright, that's a lie now, last night I had a dream about.. snow. I think.
    That's fine, 'cos a crappy plot comes to me every time I have a dream >_>

    I dream about Pokemon. Every single time.
    I would, but plots fail me DD: Whenever I do think of a plot, it dies and usually is a fail RP, so. In any case, I've been stalking the Hybrid section of DigiWiki, so maybe it can revolve around that..? As in: Kids who replace the old Digidestined and get the spirits of whatever.
    I'ma see if I can get away with both, if not I'll just go


    You know the '>' for Digivolution comes from you, right? :D
    He kinda got reborn-ish because someone released him. Hes stronger now, too
    'Sides; we need him, Or the RP would just be Kirby fighting monsters and regular life in Dream Land
    Ah, well. Then I'll just have to find it..

    Again with the epic Gatomon Armour Digivolutions :<
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