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S. E.
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  • I could have gone with Parmal, but I'll go with Athena instead.

    I look forward to which astrologous you're going for. I have a guess, but I won't reveal my guess until I get your form
    Matching your light gods with my angels. If this keeps up, I'll have pull out the big guns...

    When it does go up, chances are it'll be early tomorrow. Either that or evening tomorrow.
    There's room for a truth-related pun with this guy. I'm not going to go there, though

    Well, with the Planetary RP on the horizon, I'll stay out of a slump for a little while longer
    Lest you forget... I too still have The Third Jashin.

    Damn. And I was enjoying it so much too...

    As for the RP in progress, I'll PM you what I've got so far
    Though I haven't seen the images, I'm still raising you Five God Dragon (or Five-Headed, depending on who you ask)

    I am right now at a loos for what to do about Conspiracy. Its time may have passed, but I want it to stay alive, because it's the only RP on this site that's going on that I am part of. And I don't want to go back into my slump!
    Let's Give a Big Warm Welcome to Dark End Dragon and Light End Dragon

    I want to post, but I'm not sure if I should, considering how my best option is sparking another battle
    The Envoy of The Beginning and The Envoy of The End would like a word with you

    I'll try to post in conspiracy sometime today. Chances are it'll be in the evening
    I still have one more demon god, but to match your seven, I will show you the seven Earthbound Gods

    (I wonder how long this will escalate...)
    God of darkness says hello

    If it's a plot related post, it'll certainly give me something to do, hopefully. And if not, with your permission, I could think of something to start
    I'll see your virus and raise you this Giant as all-heck mechanical monstrosity that Mecha certainly won't transform into should the RP go on long enough

    On that note, I myself have to get off for a little while
    I'll see your dragon with eight heads and raise you a Dragon with one hundred eyes

    Anyhoo, why not post in Conspiracy? After all, I have just made a major plot-related post.
    Different Wavelengths indeed. Now if you had said three-headed dragon from cyberspace my mind would have jumped to this

    I might be able to get it up next week, if I can think up a full-thought plotline.
    A dinosaur from Cyberspace... you mean like this?

    Moving right along, there will be some quasi-original characters, and there is going to be an option to play as a machine... or even a mechanical animal (but not Mecha Sonic, much to my reluctance)
    Oh, It's definitely going to be an existing series. Perhaps pokemon, or I'll throw in some elements from Saturn's true and unspecified origin. Or maybe both! It's still stewing in the strange mixture that is my he- *brutally murdered by the metaphor police*
    Glad to know things can start up again. I personally blame my break, but that was beyond my control.

    I'm not quite sure about the specifics of the setting, but I do know that it would be something very planetary
    I'll do what I can to keep it going.

    Therein lies the problem. Depending on what happens, I could make it so that certain sides are those of a certain species, but I don't really know how to best play it out
    Eh, I still think it has some fire left in it.

    As of right now, the best of the vague ideas involves this trans-temporal war (one that's based around the supposed backstory of Saturn.)
    To be quite honest, I am at a loss for a new RP idea. That's the reason I looked forward to the initial posting of Conspiracy; it was a fantastic idea that would get me out of another slump.

    I have a few vague ideas in my head, actually. But they are far too vague for me to type down and make sense out of them.
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