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  • I was going to do that, but I like to name my Pokemon interesting names. My Lugia is Dio Mare, which is Italian for 'Sea God'. :3

    Hm... the one with all the windmills on it?
    Well, beat the main story. I've never considered myself to have beaten the game until I truly believe I've gone as far as I can (as was the case with my Emerald) and let me tell you, I think I can go a lot further

    I can't really understand why I play out my characters as an archetype of villains. The fact that I've been playing it out well shows that I have some reason to gravitate toward them, but I myself am not sure why that is.
    Considering how Jirachi was traded, it required less effort than I myself would have expected, especially since it was a heavy hitter in my earlier stages in the game.

    Granted, the team's diversity in types is what led me to use one-third of my Max Revives. But the diversity in attacks that I had gave me a better shot at winning the battle.

    I think other than Zrantox, Fero, and Mecha Sonic, had the RP expanded, Neptune would have become a big favorite, as he is one of the most ruthless characters I have ever made (granted, Fero was, is, and will be a ruthless character, but I would classify him as legally insane) Bonecrusher, Ravage, and Spire are to my memory, the only heroic characters I've made, and the first two are considered to be villains in the Transformers Universe.

    It just now surprises me how little variety my RP characters have in personality (maybe mine are an archetype...)
    Cool. ZAPDOS WANT.

    I beat Erika before the others. :o Need to beat the rest, though.


    Right as Lance's Dragonite fainted, "We Are the Champions" came on. :0
    Raikou: LV 56
    Jirachi: LV 55
    Ho-oh: LV 55
    Feraligatr: LV 58
    Mewtwo: LV 70
    Snorlax: LV 50

    Mewtwo does stand out, but his Lapras shot Mewtwo down pretty quickly (Blizzard is never-miss in hail, after all)

    I prefer RP characters that are cast more toward the villains side(Bonecrusher and Ravage of RitD are the exception). My ideal character is one who is seen as the villain to almost everybody, but deep down, he's being driven by some deep desire or moral idea, one that can make sense, no matter how twisted it is. And even when you see the character in his darkest tone, he does some sort of deed as a redemption for his acts. With that said, I think of all the characters I've RPed, Zrantox would have to be my favorite.

    Though I do also like Fero and Mecha Sonic because they only fill the most savage part of what I just said (plus Fero's role in The Exo War)
    I was half tempted to post a play-by-play report of the battle on the Status thread, but I decided against it. To put it simply, I was lucky, the weather was on my side, and I had a few Max Revives. Interestingly enough, the Event Jirachi and the Pikachu-colored pichu have so far been the only pokemon I've traded over, I only used Jirachi during the battle, and it got outed pretty quickly. (stupid Charizard)

    The changes in an RP are what I've always liked about them. Most RPs, if not all of them, that I join, have a "mold" for the character I'm going to use, a la Fero/Krika/Zrantox/whoever. Even though I know the plot will change based on the other RPers, whatever plot twists emerge are best handled by whatever character "mold" I chose. Each of the "molds" even have their own personality which would be best suited for the RP, so that's what lets me keep pace with the RP itself.

    (and on an unrelated note, most pokemon-based "molds" have a role in the trilogy which I'll never finish)
    Well, thank you for nicknaming your Raikou after me. Now if I had a Shining Eevee...

    Very little of note is going on in the wide world of Exo-Raikou. I too have been playing HeartGold (after catching all the Legendaries and beating Red, I find myself with very little to do) It is plainly apparent that I am still in a tcod slump, though, as I still can't motivate myself toward The Exo War. (And the weirdest part about that is that I have the entire plot for a trilogy more or less planned out. If only I had the motivation to post...)

    At any rate, with summer coming up in a few months, hopefully things will take a turn for the better
    If it's a cute one you want, then I give you Rinyan

    Well, motivation is the centerpiece of everything. That is why my fic isn't updating, after all
    You give me no choice. Celestia, one of the more powerful Lightsworns.

    It helps to have incentive. In Emerald, you got a Johto starter for completing the Hoenn Dex. Since that was a rare opportunity to obtain one of those starters, i thought "why not?" and went for it. I can see why others would choose not to go for it though; it was tedious
    Here's yet another Lightsworn, Wulf

    Sometimes hoarding pokemon is all it takes for me to stay in a game. In emerald, for instance, I was able to make history in my eyes by completing the Hoenn pokedex. That alone was reason enough for me to never restart it
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