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S. E.
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  • i've always wanted to travel the world.

    i plan to eventually do hacks called pokemon chalk and hematite versions. o:
    i have... 12 days until i'm 13 and then 28 days until school starts. :| i got back from lebanon (the country) about a week ago.

    not much else. hey, do you like the creature in my avatar better, or the one in my profile picture?
    Very well, then.

    And you don't need to worry about it, you're good at Roleplaying. I just wanted a lot of villains from a lot of various media, but Galacta Knight will do just fine.

    Now I simply need to work a bit on the story, give you and Exo some better instructions, and then I'll be able to start. Plus when I've started I can finally begin working on my seeeEEEeeecret fanfic~
    You don't have to choose a third villain, but if you want to, I can wait a third one. Otherwise I can think of one.

    Even though I would have preferred another one, Galacta Knight will work. Darkrai works as well.
    If you don't mind, I'd like you to tell me which characters you plan to use as villains as soon as possible. I can't start the thread nor begin working with the story as a whole before I have all the antagonists.

    I don't wanna rush you, but the faster we get this going, the better.
    Two at least, then. That leaves me with possibly five, not a problem thought, I already had four in mind

    Anyway, the villains we have so far are as follows:
    Bilrach, lord of Daemonheim
    Ghadius, spirit of Darkness
    Zero Two, Leader of all Dark Matter
    Jasper Batt Jr., CEO of Pizza Batt
    Rudger Goodwin, leader of the Dark signers
    And finally Hidan, an immortal, walking homicide

    Hidan is going to be more of a henchman to Rudger, than a main antagonist, thought.
    I'm sick and freezing :c

    Anyway, we need seven more antagonists, how many would you like to control? You won't have to control them all, instead they'll appear at certain intervals.
    Good to see you're back, no need to apologize thought.

    But anyway, no, other RP'ers couldn't play the antagonists, only the ones who run the RP can, which is to say, me, Exo and you if you feel like it.
    Regrettably, very little progress has been made. I can't speak for MG, but I've been caught in a torrent of Real Life, Death Note, the soon-to-be rebirth of one of the greatest shows to grace television, and my continued attempts at working on Conspiracy.

    The way I had it firgured, the Main antagonists would be pre-selected, but members would be able to be minions of the main antagonists (Hidan is more or less going to be Rudger's Dragon, for example.)
    I still need you to choose some antagonists. I can't start working on the RP until you do so. Take the time you need, but let's now make this the RP version of Duke Nukem Forever, OK?
    Good to know. With that in mind, by tonight, one of us should post it in the Idea Center and see what springs up

    Okay honestly now, I can see you're interested, wanna help as well?
    I imagine that posting the varying options that you suggested in the Idea Center would give us a clear idea as to which of the plot points would be best received.

    And, given the timing, this would be a great opportunity for "getting back into an Rp-Craze because it's now summer"
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