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  • Tell me. So I can slap you. Spunky stole my poem. The one I wrote after I unfriended her.
    The emptiness envelopes me
    The silence is suffocating
    My heart is nothing but an empty shell

    Where fury once raged
    There is only nothingness
    All my hatred is gone
    Replaced by a void

    And tears that aren't coming

    A quaver in my voice
    Is all that betrays my hollowness
    My hands shake
    My eyes are empty

    The place where you were yeilds nothing
    Your voice echoes through my skull
    But I don't even hear

    Your face burns my eyes
    Your touch is scalding
    Your voice claws at my soul

    Nothing to feel
    No sound comes from my dry lips
    My eyes show naught but emptiness

    Nothing will be the same tomorrow
    And yet all will be as it was

    ; ;

    goodbye francis
    The emptiness envelopes me
    The silence is suffocating
    My heart is nothing but an empty shell

    Where fury once raged
    There is only nothingness
    All my hatred is gone
    Replaced by a void

    And tears that aren't coming

    A quaver in my voice
    Is all that betrays my hollowness
    My hands shake
    My eyes are empty

    The place where you were yeilds nothing
    Your voice echoes through my skull
    But I don't even hear

    Your face burns my eyes
    Your touch is scalding
    Your voice claws at my soul

    Nothing to feel
    No sound comes from my dry lips
    My eyes show naught but emptiness

    Nothing will be the same tomorrow
    And yet all will be as it was
    Kind of a shitty day, but there has been something pretty good this week.
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